ICML'96 W/S on EC&ML

Alessandro Sperduti perso at DI.Unipi.IT
Mon Feb 26 06:36:04 EST 1996

              to be held in Bari, Italy, July 2-3, 1996,
         at the International Conference on Machine Learning.


In the last decade, research concentrating on the interaction between
evolutionary computing and machine learning has developed from the
study and use of genetic algorithms and reinforcement learning in rule
based systems (i.e. classifier systems) to a variety of learning systems
such as neural networks, fuzzy systems and hybrid symbolic/evolutionary
systems. Many kinds of learning process are now being integrated with
evolutionary algorithms, e.g. supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement,
on/off-line and incremental. The aim of this workshop is to bring
together people involved and interested in this field to share common
theory and practice, and to represent the state of the art.

Submissions are invited on topics related to: machine learning using
evolutionary algorithms, the artificial evolution of machine learning
systems, systems exploring the interaction between evolution and learning,
systems integrating evolutionary and machine learning algorithms and on
applications that make use of both machine learning and evolutionary

Contributions that argue a position, give an overview, give a review, or
report recent work are all encouraged.

Copies of extended abstracts or full papers no longer than 15 pages should
be sent (by April 23 1996) to:

Terry Fogarty
Faculty of Computer Studies and Mathematics
University of the West of England
Frenchay                                 Phone: (+44) 117 965 6261
Bristol BS16 1QY                         Fax:   (+44) 117 975 0416
UK                                       Email: tcf at btc.uwe.ac.uk


Gilles Venturini
Ecole d'Ingenieurs en Informatique pour l'Industrie
Universite de Tours,
64, Avenue Jean Portalis,                Phone: (+33)-47-36-14-33
Technopole Boite No 4,                   Fax:   (+33)-47-36-14-22
37913 Tours Cedex 9                      Email: venturi at lri.fr
FRANCE                                          venturini at univ-tours.fr

Accepted papers will constitute the workshop notes and will be refereed
by the program committee for inclusion in the post-workshop proceedings
in the light of scientific progress made at the workshop.

Program committee:
     F. Baiardi, University of Pisa, Italy.
     H. Bersini, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
     L.B. Booker, MITRE Corporation, USA.
     D. Cliff, University of Sussex, UK.
     M. Colombetti,  Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
     K. De Jong, George Mason University, USA.
     M. Dorigo, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
     T.C. Fogarty, University of the West of England, UK.
     A. Giordana, University of Torino, Italy.
     J.G. Grefenstette, Naval Research Laboratory, USA.
     J.A. Meyer, Ecole Normale Superieure, France.
     M. Patel, University of Newcastle, UK.
     M. Schoenauer, Ecole Polytechnique, France.
     R.E. Smith, University of Alabama, USA.
     G. Venturini, University of Tours, France.
     S.W. Wilson, Rowland Institute for Science, USA.

Important Dates:  April 23: Extended abstracts and papers due
                  May   14: Notification of acceptance
                  June   4: Camera-ready copy for workshop notes due
                  July 2-3: Workshop

Prof. Fabrizio Baiardi
Dip. di Informatica, Universita di Pisa
C. Italia 40, 56123 Pisa, Italy
ph: +39/50/887262
email: baiardi at di.unipi.it

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