shift invariance

Subhash Kak kak at
Fri Feb 23 10:06:38 EST 1996

For feedback neural networks here are some more references on
shift invariant learning:

T. Maxwell et al, Transformation invariance using high order
  correlations in neural net architectures. Plasma Preprint
  UMLPF #88-125. Univ of Maryland, 1988.

W. Widrow and R. Winter, Neural nets for adaptive filtering
   and adaptive pattern recognition. Computer, 21 (3):25-39, 1988.

D.L. Prados and S.C. Kak, Shift invariant associative memory. IN
   VLSI for Artificial Intelligence, J.G. Delgado-Frias and W.R. Moore
   (eds.), pp. 185-197, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.

-Subhash Kak

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