call for papers, IWANNT*97
josh at
Fri Aug 23 19:52:30 EDT 1996
International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks (and other
intelligent systems) to Telecommunications
Melbourne, Australia June 9-11, 1997
Organizing Committee
General Chair: Josh Alspector, U. of Colorado
Program Chair: Rod Goodman, Caltech
Publications Chair: Timothy X Brown, U. of Colorado
Treasurer: Anthony Jayakumar, Bellcore
Atul Chhabra, NYNEX
Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute
Local Arrangements:
Adam Kowalczyk, Telstra, Chair
Michael Dale, Telstra
Andrew Jennings, RMIT
Maributu Palaniswami, U. of Melbourne
Robert Slaviero, Signal Proc. Ass. (& local IEEE liason)
Jacek Szymanski, Telstra
Program Committee:
Nader Azarmi, British Telecom
Miklos Boda, Ericsson Radio Systems
Harald Brandt, Ericsson Telecommunications
Tzi-Dar Chiueh, National Taiwan U
Bruce Denby, U of Versailles
Simon Field, Nortel
Francoise Fogelman, SLIGOS
Marwan A. Jabri, Sydney Univ.
Thomas John, SBC
S Y Kung, Princeton University
Tadashi Sone, ATR
Scott Toborg, SBC TRI
IEEE Liaison: Steve Weinstein, NEC
Conference Administrator:
Helen Alspector
IWANNT Conference Administrator
Univ. of Colorado at Col. Springs
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.
P.O. Box 7150
Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150
(719) 593-3351
(719) 593-3589 (fax)
neuranet at
Dear Colleague:
You are invited to an international workshop on applications of neural
networks and other intelligent systems to problems in telecommunica-
tions and information networking. This is the third workshop in a
series that began in Princeton, New Jersey on October 18-20, 1993.
and continued in Stockholm, Sweden on May 22-24, 1995.
This conference will be at the University of Melbourne on the
Monday through Wednesday (June 9 - 11, 1997) just before the
Australian Conference on Neural Networks (ACNN) which will be at
the same location on June 11 - 13 (Wednesday - Friday).
There will be a hard cover proceedings available at the workshop.
There is further information on the IWANNT home page at:
Suggested topics include:
Internet Services
Intelligent Agents
Database Mining
Network Management
ATM Networking
Wireless Networks
Modulation and Coding Techniques
Congestion Control
Adaptive Equalization
Speech Recognition
Security Verification
Adaptive User Interfaces
Language ID/Translation
Multimedia Networking
Information Filtering
Dynamic Routing
Propagation Path Loss Modeling
Dynamic Frequency Allocation
Software Engineering
Telecom Market Prediction
Fault Identification and Prediction
Character Recognition
Adaptive Control
Data Compression
Credit Management
Customer Modeling
Please submit 6 copies of both a 50 word abstract and a 1000 word summary
of your paper to arrive in Colorado, USA by Oct. 15, 1996. Mail papers
to the conference administrator.
Note the following dates:
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1996: Abstract, summary due.
Monday, Nov. 25, 1996: Notification of acceptance
Monday, Feb. 10, 1997: Camera Ready Copy Due
I hope to see you at the workshop.
Josh Alspector,
General Chair
International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks (and other
intelligent systems) to Telecommunications
Melbourne, Australia June 9-11, 1997
Mailing Address:
Make check ($400; $500 after May 1, 1997; $200 students) out to IWANNT*97.
Please make sure your name is on the check.
Registration includes breaks and proceedings available at the conference.
Mail to:
Helen Alspector
IWANNT Conference Administrator
Univ. of Colorado at Col. Springs
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.
P.O. Box 7150
Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150
(719) 593-3351
(719) 593-3589 (fax)
neuranet at
The conference will be held at the University of Melbourne.
There are several good hotels within walking distance of the university.
More information will be sent to registrants or upon request.
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