Andre Carlos P. de Leon F. de Carvalho andre at
Mon Aug 19 19:23:02 EDT 1996

            3rd Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks
                  Recife, November 12 - 14, 1996

             Sponsored by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)

                           Second Call for Papers

The Third Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks will be held
at the Federal University of Pernambuco, in Recife (Brazil),
from the 12nd to the 14th of November, 1996. The SBRN symposia,
as they were initially named, are organized by the interest 
group in Neural Networks of the Brazilian Computer Society 
since 1994. The third version of the meeting follows a very
successfull organization of the previous events which brought
together the main developments of the area in Brazil and had 
the participation of many national and international researchers
both as invited speakers and as authors of papers presented at the 
     Recife is a very pleasant city in the northeast of Brazil,
known by its good climate and beautiful beaches, with sunshine 
throughout almost the whole year. The city, whose name originated
from the coral formations in the seaside port and beaches, is in a
strategic touristic situation in the region and offers a good variety
of hotels both in the city historic center and at the seaside resort.
     Scientific papers will be analyzed by the program committee. This
analysis will take into account originality, significance to the area, 
and clarity. Accepted papers will be fully published in the conference


The major topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * Biological Perspectives
   * Theoretical Models
   * Algorithms and Architectures
   * Learning Models
   * Hardware Implementation
   * Signal Processing
   * Robotics and Control
   * Parallel and Distributed Implementations
   * Pattern Recognition
   * Image Processing
   * Optimization
   * Cognitive Science
   * Hybrid Systems
   * Dynamic Systems
   * Genetic Algorithms
   * Fuzzy Logic
   * Applications


   * "Adaptive Wavelets for Pattern Recognition"
     by Professor Harold Szu ,
     Director of the Center for Advanced Computer Studies,
     University of Southwestern Louisiana

   * "Recurrent Neural Networks: El Dorado or Fort Knox?"
     by Professor C. Lee Giles ,
     NEC Research Institute and University of Maryland, College Park

   * "Case-based Reasoning and Neural Networks - a Fruitful Breed?"
     by Professor Agnar Aamodt ,
     Department of Informatics,
     University of Trondheim - Norway


   * Teresa Bernarda Ludermir - DI/UFPE
   * Andri C. P. L. F. de Carvalho - ICMSC/USP (Chair)
   * Germano C. Vasconcelos - DI/UFPE
   * Anttnio de Padua Braga - DELT/UFMG
   * Dmbio Leandro Borges - CEFET/PR
   * Paulo Martins Engel - II/UFRGS
   * Ricardo Machado - PUC/Rio
   * Valmir Barbosa - COPPE/UFRJ
   * Weber Martins - EEE/UFG


   * Teresa Bernarda Ludermir - DI/UFPE (Chair)
   * Edson Costa de Barros Carvalho Filho - DI/UFPE
   * Germano C. Vasconcelos - DI/UFPE
   * Paulo Jorge Leitco Adeodato - DI/UFPE


     The symposium seeks contributions to the state of the art and future
perspectives of Neural Networks research. Submitted papers must be in
Portuguese, English or Spanish. The submissions must include the original
and three copies of the paper and must follow the format below (Electronic
mail and FAX submissions are NOT accepted). The paper must be printed using
a laser printer, in two-column format, not numbered, 8.5 X 11.0 inch (21,7 X
28.0 cm). It must not exceed eight pages, including all figures and
diagrams. The font size should be 10 pts, such as Times-Roman or equivalent,
with the following margins: right and left 2.5 cm, top 3.5 cm, and bottom
2.0 cm. The first page should contain the paper's title, the complete
author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and mailing address(es), followed by a
short (150 words) abstract and a list of descriptive key words. The
submission should also include an accompanying letter containing the
following information :

   * Manuscript title
   * First author's name, mailing address and e-mail
   * Technical area of the paper

Authors may use the Latex files sbrn.tex and sbrn.sty for preparing their
manuscripts. The postscript file is also available. Alternately, all
those files, together with an equivalent file in WORD, can be retrieved by
anonymous ftp following the instructions given below :

(LOGIN :) anonymous
(PASSWORD :) (your email address)
cd pub/events/IIISBRN
get sbrn.tex (or sbrn.doc)
get sbrn.sty


Four copies (one original and three copies) must be submitted to:

Prof. Andri Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho
Coordenador do Comitj de Programa - III SBRN
Departamento de Cijncias de Computagco e Estatmstica
ICMSC - Universidade de Sco Paulo
Caixa Postal 668 CEP 13560.070
Sco Carlos, SP

Phone: +55 162 726222
FAX: +55 162 749150
E-mail: IIISBRN at


August 30, 1996 (mailing date): Deadline for paper submission
September 30, 1996 : Notification of acceptance/rejection
November, 12-14 1996 : III SBRN


   * Up-to-minute information about the symposium is available on the World
     Wide Web (WWW) at
   * Questions can be sent by E-mail to IIISBRN at

Profa. Teresa Bernarda Ludermir
Coordenadora Geral do III SBRN
Laboratory of Intelligent Computing (LCI)
Departamento de Informatica
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Caixa Postal 7851 CEP 50.732-970 Recife-PE

Fone : +55 81 271-8430
FAX: +55 81 271-8438
E-mail: IIISBRN at

We look forward to seeing you in Recife !

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