Neural Processing Letters - new publisher
verleysen at
Thu Apr 18 11:21:32 EDT 1996
Dear colleagues,
The "Neural Processing Letters" journal is published each two months since
1994; its aim is to rapidly publish new ideas or new developments in the
field of artificial neural networks. Today, we are happy to announce you
that Kluwer Academic Publishers will publish this journal from 1996, in
order to ensure its worldwide distribution.
More information will be soon available on a WWW server. Nevertheless, in
the meantime,you will find enclosed some details from Kluwer (see below).
You can also contact Mike Casey for free sample copies of the journal, and
any details about the submission of papers:
Mike Casey
Kluwer academic publishers
Spuiboulevard 50
P.O. Box 17
NL - 3300 AA Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 78 6392219
Fax: + 31 78 6392254
E-mail: casey at
Thank you for your interest in this journal.
Michel Verleysen, co-editor.
Neural Processing Letters
Michel Verleysen
Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Francois Blayo
EERIE, Lyon, France
Neural Processing Letters is an international journal
publishing research results and innovative ideas in all fields of
artificial neural networks. Prospective authors are encouraged to
submit letters concerning any aspect of the Artificial Neural Networks
field including, but not restricted to, theoretical developments,
biological models, new formal modes, learning, applications, software
and hardware developments, and prospective researches.
The journal promotes fast exchange of information in the community of
neural network researchers and users. The resurgence of interest in
the field of artificial neural networks since the beginning of the
1980s is coupled to tremendous research activity in specialized or
multidisciplinary groups. Research, however, is not possible without
good communication between people and the exchange of information,
especially in a field covering such different areas; fast
communication is also a key aspect, and this is the reason for
Neural Processing Letters.
Subscription Information:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
ISSN: 1370-4621
1996, Volumes 3-4 (6 issues)
Institutional Price NLG: 357.00
Institutional Price USD: 217.00
Private Price NLG: 250.00
Private Price USD: 150.00
Journal Title: Neural Processing Letters
1996, Volumes 3-4 (6 issues)
ISSN: 1370-4621 Institutional Rate: NLG: 357.00 USD: 217.00
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Michel Verleysen
Universite Catholique de Louvain
Microelectronics Laboratory
3, pl. du Levant
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
tel: +32 10 47 25 51
fax: + 32 10 47 86 67
E-mail: verleysen at
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