Levin Search and EIRA

Marco Wiering marco at idsia.ch
Mon Apr 15 03:39:15 EDT 1996

FTP-host: ftp.idsia.ch
FTP-file: /pub/marco/ml_levin_eira.ps.gz
or        /pub/juergen/ml_levin_eira.ps.gz

                Solving POMDPs with  Levin Search and EIRA

                Marco Wiering          Juergen Schmidhuber

                Machine Learning: 13th Intern. Conf., 1996
                9 pages, 86K compressed, 252K uncompressed
 Partially observable Markov decision problems (POMDPs) recently received 
 a lot of attention in the reinforcement learning community. No attention,
 however, has been paid to Levin's universal search through program space 
 (LS), which is theoretically optimal for a wide variety of search  prob-
 lems including  many POMDPs.  Experiments in this paper show that LS can 
 solve partially observable mazes (`POMs') involving many more states and 
 obstacles than those solved by various  previous authors.  We then note,
 however, that LS is not necessarily optimal  for learning problems where 
 experience with  previous problems  can be used to  speed up the search.
 For this reason,  we introduce an adaptive  extension of LS  (ALS) which 
 uses experience to increase  probabilities of instructions  occurring in 
 successful programs found by LS.  To deal with cases where  ALS does not
 lead to long-term performance improvement,  we use the  recent technique
 ``environment-independent reinforcement acceleration'' (EIRA) as a safe-
 ty belt (EIRA currently is the only known method that guarantees a life-
 long  history of reward  accelerations).   Additional experiments demon-
 strate: (a) ALS can dramatically reduce search time consumed by calls of 
 LS.   (b) Further significant speed-ups can be obtained by combining ALS 
 and EIRA.

 To obtain a copy, do one of these:
 netscape http://www.idsia.ch/~marco/publications.html
 netscape http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/onlinepub.html

 Marco Wiering
 Juergen Schmidhuber                                               IDSIA

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