What is a "hybrid" model?
Terry Dartnall
terryd at dali.cit.gu.edu.au
Wed Apr 3 21:33:06 EST 1996
Thanks for that useful overview. You say
>The sudden learning was demonstrated in studies of human problem solving
> where it was eventually dubbed the "Aha!" effect. (I believe that there
>is a book by that name, but I don't have that reference.) In animal
>learning, it is known as one-trial learning.
> As to whether one-trial learning or the Aha! effect genuinely constitutes
>a distinct *type* of learning ...
I know pretty much nothing about the area, but I would have thought that
one-trial learning and the "Aha!" effect were different. I learnt not to
stick my fingers in a power socket when I was a kid - and it only needed one
trial! - but I wouldn't have though this was an "Aha!" situation. (It was a
"Yow!" situation.) This applies to animals other than people, I'm sure. And
you can have the "Aha!" effect after many trials, as with Koehler's apes. In
fact I would have thought this is when you usually get it - after lots of
frustrating failures. So one-trial learning is neither necessary nor
sufficient for the "Aha!" effect.
Isn't the "sudden learning problem" that, after a number of unsuccessful
trials or trials, the answer suddenly comes to us?
Best wishes
Terry Dartnall
Terry Dartnall
School of Computing and Information Technology
Griffith University Nathan Brisbane
Queensland 4111 Australia
Phone: 61-7-3875 5020
Fax: 61-7-3875-5051
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