Winter Retina Conference '96
william.beaudot at
Fri Sep 15 13:41:46 EDT 1995
The first annual "Winter Retina Conference: Physiology, Computation, and
Neuromorphic Engineering for Vision" will be held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming,
USA from 16-20 January 1996. The meeting will bring together leaders in the
fields of the physiology, computation and engineering of early vision in
vertebrates and invertebrates. The meeting is limited to 50 participants with
the intention of fostering rich interaction accross the fields.
For more info please see our WWW home page at URL:
The meeting is being organized by: Greg Maguire and Harvey Karten in the USA,
and William Beaudot and Andre vanSchaik in Switzerland.
For those who have not access to Internet, here is the text version
of the WWW home page for the announcement:
Physiology, Computation, and Neuromorphic Engineering for Vision
16-20 January 1996
Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA
First Anouncement and Call For Abstracts
In January 1996, the first annual Winter Retina Conference will be held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA. The meeting will bring together leaders in the field of neural circuitry, computational modeling, and neuromorphic engineering in retinas, including both vertebrate and invertebrates.
The purpose of the Winter Retina Conference is to present the latest results in the fundamental aspects of retinal circuitry in a setting conducive to informal and rich interaction between the participants. The meeting is limited to 50 participants and participation is by application and acceptance only. The conference will include daily lectures and demonstrations. SUN Ultra-SPARC and Super-SPARC workstations will be available for demonstrations.
Conference Site: Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Jackson Hole is a sun drenched, mountain-rimmed valley noted for its natural, rugged beauty, powder snow, and numerous ski slopes. Many other activities besides great downhill skiing are available, including: X-country skiing, ice-skating, sleigh rides, fishing, hunting, hiking, hot spring soaking, and horseback riding to name a few. Teton Village will be the host site for the conference.
Restaurants, niteclubs, and shopping abound here. Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks are a short drive away from the slopes. Moutain climbing schools and guides are available in the city.
Conference Hotel:
The Inn at Jackson Hole. A beautiful hotel at the base of the ski slope (yep, ski-in and ski-out) and in the midst of Teton Village. Everything you need is in walking distance of the hotel, including good restaurants and shopping. Standard room (2 beds)- $80.00/ night; Deluxe room (kitchenette)-$120.00/night; Loft suites- $150.00/night. Reservations at 800-842-7666 or fax at307-733-0844. Identify yourself as an attendee to the Winter Retina Conference for these special rates.
Jackson Hole is served by American, United, and Delta Airlines. A 5-10% discount, depending on class of service, is available on American Airlines, the official airline of the 1996 Winter Retina Conference. We advise using American Airlines because they provide the only jet service directly to Jackson Hole. To receive a 5-10% discount on American Airlines, please call American Airlines Meeting Services desk at 1-800-433-1790, identify youself as an attendee to the Winter Retina Conference, and use American Airlines "star number S-0116HZ" to book your flight.
FEE: Upon Acceptance a Registration Fee of $100 US
Housing and travel information will be sent following acceptance.
Application: Send a one page abstract and a short c.v. to either:
Winter Retina Conference, Greg Maguire, Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy, University of Texas, 6420 Lamar Fleming, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Winter Retina Conference, William Beaudot, Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA, IC & Systems Research, Dept. of Bio-Inspired Advanced Research, Maladiere 71, Case postale 41, CH-2007 Neuchatel, Switzerland
Winter Retina Conference, Andre'van Schaik, EPFL-MANTRA Centre for Neuro-Mimetic
Systems INJ-035 Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Information and abstracts may also be sent via email:
gmaguire at
Confirmed Attendees
Xavier Arreguit, CSEM, Switzerland; William Beaudot, CSEM, Switzerland; Horacio Cantiello, Harvard; Nicolas Franceschini, CNRS, Marseille; Jeanny Herault, Grenoble, France; Harvey Karten, UCSD; Kent Keyser, UCSD; Greg Maguire, Texas; Misha Mahowald, Oxford; Steve Massey, Texas; Haluk Ogmen, Houston; Peter Sterling, Pennsylvania; Andre van Schaik, Lausanne, Switzerland; Frank Werblin, Berkeley
Organizing Committee:
William Beaudot, CSEM, Switzerland
Harvey Karten, UCSD, USA
Greg Maguire, Texas, USA
Andre van Schaik, EPFL, Switzerland
Registration Form
A receipt, program, and information package will be mailed to participants following registration payment. Please include a check for $100 (USA) made payable to: Winter Retina Conference. The fee includes participation in the daily meetings, a social event, and an official t-shirt.
Send form and payment by snail mail to:
Greg Maguire
Sensory Sciences Center
University of Texas
6420 Lamar Fleming
Houston, TX 77030 USA
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