Special Issue of LCP

Kim Plunkett kim.plunkett at psy.ox.ac.uk
Wed Sep 13 11:05:53 EDT 1995

Manuscript submissions are invited for inclusion in a Special Issue of the 
journal "Language and Cognitive Processes" on Connectionist Approaches to 
Language Development. 

It is anticipated that most of the papers in the special issue 
will describe previously unpublished  work on some aspect of language 
development (first or second language learning in either normal or disordered 
populations) that incorporates a neural network modelling component. However, 
theoretical papers discussing the general enterprise of connectionist 
modelling within the domain of language development are also welcome.

The deadline for submissions is 1st April 1996. Manuscripts should be sent to 
the guest editor for this special issue: Kim Plunkett, Department of 
Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UD, 
UK (email: plunkett at psy.ox.ac.uk FAX: 1865-310447). All manuscripts will be 
submitted to the usual Language and Cognitive Processes peer review process.

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