Lectureship in Neural Computing

Richard Lister listerrj at helios.aston.ac.uk
Thu Sep 7 11:04:35 EDT 1995


                   Neural Computing Research Group

           Dept of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

                   Aston University, Birmingham, UK


       *  Full details at http://neural-server.aston.ac.uk/  *

Applications are invited for a Lectureship within  the  Department  of
Computer  Science  and  Applied  Mathematics.  (This  post  is roughly
comparable  to  Assistant  Professor  positions  in  North   America).
Candidates  are expected to have excellent academic qualifications and
a proven record of research. The appointment will be  for  an  initial
period  of  three years, with the possibility of subsequent renewal or
transfer to a continuing appointment.

The successful candidate  will  be  expected  to  make  a  substantial
contribution  to  the  research  activities  of  the  Neural Computing
Research Group. Current research focusses on principled approaches  to
neural   computing,   and   ranges  from  theoretical  foundations  to
industrial and commercial applications.  We  would  be  interested  in
candidates  who  can contribute directly to this research programme or
who can broaden it into related areas, while maintaining the  emphasis
on theoretically well-founded research.

The successful candidate will also be expected to  contribute  to  the
undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching programmes.

Neural Computing Research Group

The Neural Computing Research Group currently comprises the  following
academic staff:

  Chris Bishop     Professor
  David Lowe       Professor
  David Bounds     Professor
  Richard Rohwer   Lecturer
  Alan Harget      Lecturer
  Ian Nabney       Lecturer
  David Saad       Lecturer
  Chris Williams   Lecturer

together with the following Postdoctoral Research Fellows

  Alan McLachlan
  Huaihu Zhu

a full-time system administrator,  and  eleven  postgraduate  research
students.  Five  further  postdoctoral  positions  are currently being

Conditions of Service

The appointment will be for an initial period of three years, with the
possibility   of  subsequent  renewal  or  transfer  to  a  continuing

Initial salary will be within the lecturer A and  B  range  14,756  to
25,735, and exceptionally up to 28,756 (UK pounds; these salary scales
are currently under review).

How to Apply

If you wish to be considered for this position, please send a full  CV
and publications list, together with the names of 4 referees, to:

    Hanni Sondermann
    Neural Computing Research Group
    Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
    Aston University
    Birmingham B4 7ET, U.K.
    Tel: (+44 or 01) 21 333 4631
    Fax: (+44 or 01) 21 333 4586
    e-mail: h.e.sondermann at aston.ac.uk

Closing date: 30 September 1995.


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