No subject
Ron Sun
rsun at
Thu Oct 5 10:11:57 EDT 1995
The <Hybrid Models: Learning and Architectures> mailing lists.
As we discussed at the CSI workshop at IJCAI in this August,
we now establish this new mailing list for the specific purpose of
exchanging information and ideas regarding hybrid models, especially models
integrating symbolic and connectionist processes. Other hybrid models,
such as fuzzy logic+neural networks and GA+NN, are also covered.
This is an unmoderated list. Conference and workshop announcements,
papers and technical reports, informed discussions of specific
topics in hybrid model areas, and other pertinent messages
are appropriate items for submission.
Email your submission to hybrid-list at, which will be automatically
forwarded to all the recipients of the list.
Information regarding subscription is attached below.
For questions and suggestions regarding this list, send email to
rsun at (only if you have to).
This mailing list has incorporated the old HYBRID list at Brown U. maintained
by Michael Perrone (thanks to Michael), and included names of those who
attended the 1995 CSI workshop or expressed interest in it.
(To remove your name from the list, see the instruction at the end of this
--Ron Sun
The University of Alabama Department of Computer Science has set up a list
service for this:
To subscribe to this list service, send an e-mail message to the userid
"listproc at" with NO SUBJECT, but a one-line text message,
as shown below:
SUBSCRIBE hybrid-list YourFirstName YourLastName
You should receive a response back indicating your addition to the list.
After this, you can submit items to the list by
simply e-mail'ing a message to the userid: "hybrid-list at".
The message will automatically be sent to all individuals on the list.
To unsubscribe to this list service, send an e-mail message to the userid
"listproc at" with NO SUBJECT, but a one-line text message,
as shown below:
UNSUBSCRIBE hybrid-list
More information about the Connectionists
mailing list