paper available: modeling joint development of ocular dominance and orientation maps

Ken Miller ken at
Mon Oct 2 20:45:24 EDT 1995

FTP-filename: /pub/erwin/

The following paper is now available by anonymous ftp, from the above
addresses, or from my or Ed Erwin's home pages (addresses below).
Sorry, hard copies are not available.

  Modeling Joint Development of Ocular Dominance and 
  Orientation Maps in Primary Visual Cortex
	by Ed Erwin and Kenneth D. Miller

  To appear in the Proceedings of the Computation and Neural
  Systems (CNS) 1995 conference, Monterey. (In press)

  We have combined earlier correlation-based models of striate ocular
  dominance and orientation preference map formation into a joint model.
  Cortical feature preferences are defined through patterns of synaptic
  connectivity to LGN cells which develop due to firing correlations of
  those LGN cells.  Model parameters include spatial correlation
  patterns between ON- and OFF-center cells in separate eye layers of
  the LGN.  A linear transformation yields correlation functions which
  predict whether orientation preferences, ocular dominance, or both,
  will develop. The model thus predicts the correlations between LGN
  cells which would be necessary to explain formation of visual maps by
  a linear process.

        Kenneth D. Miller               www:
	internet: ken at	

        Ed Erwin	                www:
        internet: erwin at	

	Both:   Dept. of Physiology		
	        University of California, San Francisco
	        513 Parnassus			
	        San Francisco, CA 94143-0444    
		fax: (415) 476-4929

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