compressibility, Kolmogorov, learning

Jagota Arun Kumar jagota at
Thu Nov 23 15:22:51 EST 1995

A short addition to the ongoing discussion thread of Juergen, Barak, and

The following short paper is what intrigued us (K. Regan and I) to 
experimentally investigate the performance of algorithms on random versus 
compressible (i.e., structured) instances of the maximum clique optimization

       author = "Li, M. and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
        title = "Average case complexity under the universal distribution equals worst-case complexity",
        pages = "145--149",
      journal =  "Information Processing Letters",
       volume =  42,
       month  =  "May",
         year =  1992

In other words, roughly speaking, if one samples uniformly from the universal
distribution, one exhibits worst-case behavior of an algorithm.

I announced our (experimental, max-clique) paper on Connectionists a few 
months back, so won't do it again. However, this will be the subject of my 
talk at the NIPS workshop on optimization (7:30--8:00, Dec 1, Vail). Stop
by and jump all over me.

Arun Jagota

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