TR available: RFs From Hyperacuity to Recognition
Edelman Shimon
edelman at
Tue Nov 14 01:54:55 EST 1995
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28 pages; 519 KB compressed, 2.6 MB uncompressed.
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Receptive Fields for Vision: from Hyperacuity to Object Recognition
Weizmann Institute CS-TR 95-29, 1995;
to appear in VISION, R. J. Watt, ed., MIT Press, 1996.
Shimon Edelman
Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL
Many of the lower-level areas in the mammalian visual system are
organized retinotopically, that is, as maps which preserve to a
certain degree the topography of the retina. A unit that is a part
of such a retinotopic map normally responds selectively to
stimulation in a well-delimited part of the visual field, referred
to as its {\em receptive field} (RF). Receptive fields are probably
the most prominent and ubiquitous computational mechanism employed
by biological information processing systems. This paper surveys
some of the possible computational reasons behind the ubiquity of
RFs, by discussing examples of RF-based solutions to problems in
vision, from spatial acuity, through sensory coding, to object
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