call for papers
Vincenzo Piuri
piuri at
Wed Nov 8 16:01:20 EST 1995
1996 International Workshop on Emergent Technologies
for Instrumentation and Measurements
Como, Italy - 10-11 June 1996
Organized by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement
Society (Technical Committee on Emergent Technologies)
This workshop is directed to create a unique synergetic
discussion forum on the emergent technologies and
a strong link between the theoretical researchers and
the practitioners in the application fields related
to instrumentation and measurements.
The two-days single-session schedule will provide the
ideal environment for in-depth analysis and discussions
concerning the theoretical aspects of the applications
and the use of new technologies in the practice.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit
papers concerning theoretical foundations, experimental
results, or practical applications related to the use of
advanced technologies for instrumentation and
Papers are sollicited on, but not limited to, the
following topics: neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic
algorithms, virtual instruments, optical technologies,
laser, advanced digital signal/image processing,
advanced analog signal processing, wavelets, sensor
technologies, remote sensing, distributed systems, fault
tolerance, adaptive systems.
Interested authors should submit an extended summary or
the full paper (limited to 20 double-spaced pages
including figures and tables) to the program chair by
January 15, 1996 (PostScript email or readable fax
submissions are strongly encouraged). Submissions should
contain: the corresponding author, affiliation, complete
address, possible fax and email addresses. Submission
implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
register and attend at the workshop and to
present the paper. The corresponding author will be
notified by February 16, 1996. The camera-
ready version is limited to 10 one-column IEEE-book-
standard pages and is due by May 1, 1996.
The workshop will be held at the "A. Volta" Research
Center - Villa Olmo, in Como, Italy. It is a two-hundred
years-old villa in the pleasant scenario of one of the
most attractive lakes around the nothern Italy, near
Milan. Easy and frequent connections by train and airplane
are available from Milan and all the main cities in Europe;
flights from US and Asia arrive to the Malpensa
international airport, connected by bus to Milan.
The registration fee will be 120 US$, including lunches,
coffe breaks and one copy of the proceedings. Hotel
reservation will be managed directly by the Research Center
to provide highly discounted rates.
Program Chair
prof. Vincenzo Piuri
Dept of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano
piazza L. da Vinci 32
I-20133 Milano, Italy
phone +39-2-2399-3606
fax +39-2-2399-3411
e-mail piuri at
American Co-Chair
prof. Emil Petriu
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
phone +1-613-564-2497
fax +1-613-564-6882
email petriu at
Asian Co-Chair
prof. Kenzo Watanabe
Research Inst. of Electronics
Shizuoka University
3-5-1 Johoku, Hamamatsu 432, Japan
phone +81-534-71-1171-573
fax +81-534-74-0630
email watanabe-k at
Workshop Secretariat
Ms. Laura Caldirola
Politecnico di Milano
phone +39-2-2399-3623
fax +39-2-2399-3411
caldirol at
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