ESANN'96 Annoucement and Call for Papers
esann at
Mon Nov 6 13:52:37 EST 1995
Dear Colleagues,
You will find below the Announcement and Call for Papers of ESANN'96,
the fourth European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, which
will be held in Bruges (Belgium), on April 24-26, 1996.
All information concerning this conference is also available on the
following servers:
- WWW:'96.html
- FTP: server:
directory: /pub/neural-nets/ESANN
login: anonymous
password: your e-mail address
Please don't hesitate to connect to these servers, and to contact the
conference secretariat (see address below) for any supplementary
Looking forward to meeting you during ESANN'96,
Sincerely yours,
Michel Verleysen
* ESANN96 *
* *
* 4th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks *
* Bruges - April 24-25-26, 1996 *
* *
First announcement and call for papers
Invitation and Scope of the conference
The fourth European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks will
be organized in Bruges, Belgium, in April 1996. The three first
successful editions, organized in Brussels, each gathered between
90 and 110 scientists, coming from Western and Eastern Europe, but
also from USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South America...
The field of Artificial Neural Networks includes a lot of
different disciplines, from mathematics and statistics to robotics
and electronics. For this reason, actual studies concern various
aspects of the field, sometimes to the detriment of strong, well
established foundations for these researches; it is obvious that a
better knowledge of the basic concepts and opportunities of
neurocomputing, and more effective comparisons with other
computing methods are strongly needed for a profitable long-term
use of neural networks in applications.
The purpose of the ESANN conferences is to present the latest
results in the fundamental aspects of artificial neural networks.
Invited and survey talks will also present a comprehensive view of
particular topics of the conference. The program committee of
ESANN'96 welcomes papers covering new results or being of tutorial
nature, and dealing with theoretical, biological or mathematical
aspects of artificial neural networks, or with the relations
between neural networks and other fields. Presentation of results
from large research project (ESPRIT,...) is also encouraged. The
following is a non-exhaustive list of topics which will be covered
during ESANN'96 :
+ theory
+ models and architectures
+ mathematics
+ learning algorithms
+ biologically plausible artificial networks
+ formal models of biological phenomena
+ neurobiological systems
+ approximation of functions
+ identification of non-linear dynamic systems
+ adaptive behavior
+ adaptive control
+ signal processing
+ statistics
+ self-organization
+ evolutive learning
Invited talks will cover several of the above topics; an invited
talk will be given by Prof. Nicolas Franceschini (CNRS Marseilles,
France). Other invited talks are to be announced.
The conference will be held in Bruges (also called "Venice of the
North"), one of the most beautiful towns in Europe. Bruges can be
reached by train from Brussels in less than one hour (frequent
trains). The town of Bruges is worldwide known, and famous both
by its architectural style, its canals, and its pleasant
Call for contributions
Prospective authors are invited to submit six originals of their
contribution before December 8, 1995. Working language of the
conference (including proceedings) is English.
Papers should not exceed six A4 pages (including figures and
references). Printing area will be 12.2 x 19.3 cm (centered on the
A4 page); left, right, top and bottom margins will thus
respectively be 4.4, 4.4, 5.2 and 5.2 cm. 10-point Times font will
be used for the main text; headings will be in bold characters (but
not underlined), and will be separated from the main text by two
blank lines before and one after. Manuscripts prepared in this
format will be reproduced in the same size in the book. The first
page will be typed in the format indicated in the figure file
ESANN_format.eps that can be found on the anonymous FTP ESANN'96
server (see below).
The next pages will be similar, except the heading which will be
Originals of the figures will be pasted into the manuscript and
centered between the margins. The lettering of the figures should
be in 10-point Times font size. Figures should be numbered. The
legends also should be centered between the margins and be written
in 9-point Times font size as follows: Fig. 3. Text follows ...
The pages of the manuscript will not be numbered (numbering decided
by the editor).
A separate page (not included in the manuscript) will indicate:
+ the title of the manuscript + author(s) name(s)
+ the complete address (including phone & fax numbers and
E-mail) of the corresponding author
+ a list of five keywords or topics
On the same page, the authors will copy and sign the following
"in case of acceptation of the paper for presentation at ESANN 96:
- at least one of the authors will register to the conference
and will present the paper
- the author(s) give their rights up over the paper to the
organizers of ESANN 96, for the proceedings and any
publication that could directly be generated by the conference
- if the paper does not match the format requirements for
the proceedings, the author(s) will send a revised version
within two weeks of the notification of acceptation."
Contributions must be sent to the conference secretariat. Examples
of camera-ready contributions can be obtained by writing to the
same address.
Registration fees
registration before registration after
February 1st, 1996 February 1st, 1996
Universities BEF 15500 BEF 16500
Industries BEF 19500 BEF 20500
An "advanced registration form" is available by writing to the
conference secretariat (see reply form below). Please ask for this
form in order to benefit from the reduced registration fee before
February 1st, 1996.
Submission of papers December 8, 1995
Notification of acceptance January 31, 1996
Symposium April 24-261, 1996
We regret that no grants are available this year, because of a
lack of funding from the European Community.
Conference secretariat
Dr. Michel Verleysen
D facto conference services
45 rue Masui
B - 1210 Brussels (Belgium)
phone: + 32 2 245 43 63
Fax: + 32 2 245 46 94
E-mail: esann at
Information is also available through WWW and anonymous FTP on
the following sites:
FTP:, directory /pub/neural-nets/ESANN
Steering committee
Francois Blayo - Univ. Paris I (F)
Marie Cottrell - Univ. Paris I (F)
Jeanny Herault - INPG Grenoble (F)
Joos Vandewalle - KUL Leuven (B)
Michel Verleysen - UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
Scientific committee
(to be confirmed)
Agnes Babloyantz - Univ. Libre Bruxelles (Belgium)
Herve Bourlard - ICSI Berkeley (USA)
Joan Cabestany - Univ. Polit. de Catalunya (E)
Dave Cliff - University of Sussex (UK)
Pierre Comon - Thomson-Sintra Sophia Antipolis (F)
Holk Cruse - Universitat Bielefeld (D)
Dante Del Corso - Politecnico di Torino (I)
Wlodek Duch - Nicholas Copernicus Univ. (PL)
Marc Duranton - Philips / LEP (F)
Jean-Claude Fort - Universite Nancy I (F)
Bernd Fritzke - Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (D)
Karl Goser - Universitat Dortmund (D)
Manuel Grana - UPV San Sebastian (E)
Martin Hasler - EPFL Lausanne (CH)
Kurt Hornik - Techische Univ. Wien (A)
Christian Jutten - INPG Grenoble (F)
Vera Kurkova - Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
Petr Lansky - Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
Jean-Didier Legat - UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
Hans-Peter Mallot - Max-Planck Institut (D)
Eddy Mayoraz - IDIAP Martigny (CH)
Jean Arcady Meyer - Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
Jose Mira-Mira - UNED (E)
Pietro Morasso - Univ. of Genoa (I)
Jean-Pierre Nadal - Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
Erkki Oja - Helsinky University of Technology (FIN)
Gilles Pages - Universite Paris VI (F)
Helene Paugam-Moisy - Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon (F)
Alberto Prieto - Universitad de Granada (E)
Pierre Puget - LETI Grenoble (F)
Ronan Reilly - University College Dublin (IRE)
Tamas Roska - Hungarian Academy of Science (H)
Jean-Pierre Rospars - INRA Versailles (F)
Jean-Pierre Royet - Universite Lyon 1 (F)
John Stonham - Brunel University (UK)
John Taylor - King's College London (UK)
Vincent Torre - Universita di Genova (I)
Claude Touzet - IUSPIM Marseilles (F)
Marc Van Hulle - KUL Leuven (B)
Christian Wellekens - Eurecom Sophia-Antipolis (F)
Reply form
If you wish to receive the final program of ESANN'96, for any
address change, or to add one of your colleagues in our database,
please send this form to the conference secretariat:
D facto conference services
45 rue Masui
B - 1210 Brussels (Belgium)
phone: + 32 2 245 43 63
Fax: + 32 2 245 46 94
E-mail: esann at
Please indicate if you wish to receive the advanced registration
Name: ..........................................................
First Name: ....................................................
University or Company: .........................................
Address: .......................................................
ZIP: ................... Town: ................................
Country: .......................................................
Tel: ...........................................................
Fax: ...........................................................
E-mail: ........................................................
O Please send me the "advanced registration form"
D facto publications -
conference services
45 rue Masui
1210 Brussels
tel: +32 2 245 43 63
fax: +32 2 245 46 94
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