ICNN'96 Extension of Submission Deadline
Benjamin Wah
b-wah at uiuc.edu
Sun Nov 5 15:03:58 EST 1995
International Conference on Neural Networks
Deadline for submission to ICNN'96
has been extended to December 29, 1995
Authors interested to submit papers must have their papers
received by the Program Chair (see address to the left) by
the deadline. Papers received after that date will be
returned unopened.
Papers submitted must be in final publishable form and will
be reviewed by senior researchers in the field using the
same standard as papers submitted before the October 16,
1995, deadline. However, papers submitted after the October
16, 1995, deadline will be either accepted or rejected, and
authors of accepted papers will not have a chance to revise
their papers. (Authors of accepted papers submitted before
the October 16 deadline will be allowed to revise their
papers.) Authors submitting papers late will be notified of
the final decision by February 15, 1996.
Six copies (one original and five copies) of the paper must
be submitted. Papers must be camera-ready on 8 1/2-by-11
white paper, one-column format in Times or similar font
style, 10 points or larger with one inch margins on all four
sides. Do not fold or staple the original camera-ready
copy. Four pages are encouraged; however, the paper must
not exceed six pages, including figures, tables, and refer-
ences, and should be written in English. Submissions that
do not adhere to the guidelines above will be returned unre-
Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete
title, author name(s) and postal and electronic mailing
addresses. In the accompanying letter, the following infor-
mation must be included: (a) full title of paper; (b) pre-
sentation preferred (oral or poster); (c) audio visual
requirements (e.g. 35 mm slide, OHP, VCR); (d) corresponding
author (name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone & fax
numbers); and (e) presenter (name, postal and e-mail
addresses, telephone & fax numbers).
For further information on ICNN'96, please consult our World
Wide Web home page at http://www-ece.rice.edu/96icnn, or
send electronic mail to icnn96 at manip.crhc.uiuc.edu.
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