Cognitive Science '96

David Noelle dnoelle at
Thu Nov 2 20:00:49 EST 1995

            Eighteenth Annual Conference of the

                      July 12-15, 1996

            University of California, San Diego
                    La Jolla, California

                      CALL FOR PAPERS

            DUE DATE: Thursday, February 1, 1996

The Annual Cognitive Science Conference began with the La
Jolla Conference on Cognitive Science in August of 1979.
The organizing committee of the Eighteenth Annual Conference
would like to welcome members home to La Jolla.  We plan to
recapture the pioneering spirit of the original conference,
extending our welcome to fields on the expanding frontier of
Cognitive Science, including Artificial Life, Cognitive and
Computational Neuroscience, Evolutionary Psychology, as well
as the core areas of Anthropology, Computer Science,
Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Psychology.  As a
change this year, we follow the example of Psychonomics and
the Neuroscience Conferences and invite Members of the
Society to submit one-page abstracts for guaranteed poster
presentation at the conference.  A second change is that all
papers accepted as posters will only get one page in the

The conference will feature plenary addresses by invited
speakers, invited symposia by leaders in their fields,
technical paper and a poster sessions, a banquet, and a
Blues Party.  San Diego is the home of the world-famous San
Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park, Sea World, the historic
all-wooden Hotel Del Coronado, beautiful beaches, mountain
areas and deserts, is a short drive from Mexico, and
features a high Cappuccino Index.  Bring the whole family
and stay a while!


Novel research papers are invited on any topic related to

Members of the Society may submit a one page abstract for
poster presentation, which will be automatically accepted
for publication in the proceedings.  Submitted full-length
papers will be evaluated through peer review with respect to
several criteria, including originality, quality, and
significance of research, relevance to a broad audience of
cognitive science researchers, and clarity of presentation.
Papers will either be accepted for publication in the
proceedings, or (if the author is a Society member) will be
accepted as a poster, and a one-page abstract will be
published.  Such authors will get a chance to flesh out the
abstract to a page when submitting their camera ready copy.
Poster abstracts from non-members will be accepted, but the
presenter should join the Society prior to presenting the

Accepted papers will be presented at the conference as
talks.  Papers may present results from completed research
as well as report on current research with an emphasis on
novel approaches, methods, ideas, and perspectives.  Posters
may report on recent work to be published elsewhere that has
not been previously presented at the conference.

Authors should submit five (5) copies of the paper in hard
copy form by Thursday, February 1, 1996, to:

Dr. Garrison W. Cottrell
Computer Science and Engineering 0114
FED EX ONLY: 3250 Applied Physics and Math
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, Ca. 92093-0114

phone for FED EX: 619-534-5948 (my secretary, Marie Kreider)

If confirmation of receipt is desired, please use certified
mail or enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope or


Papers with a student first author are eligible to compete
for a David Marr Memorial Prize for excellence in research
and presentation.  The David Marr Prizes are accompanied by
a $300.00 honorarium, and are funded by an anonymous donor.


Papers must be a maximum of eleven (11) pages long
(excluding only the cover page but including figures and
references), with 1 inch margins on all sides (i.e., the
text should be 6.5 inches by 9 inches, including footnotes
but excluding page numbers), double-spaced, and in 12-point
type.  Each page should be numbered (excluding the cover
page).  Template and style files conforming to these
specifications for several text formatting programs,
including LaTeX, Framemaker, Word, Word Perfect, and HTML
will be available by anonymous FTP after November 15th,
1995.  (Check "" for

Submitted abstracts should be one page in length, with the
same margins as full papers.  Style files for these will be
available at the same location as above.

Final versions of papers and poster abstracts will be
required only after authors are notified of acceptance;
accepted papers will be published in a CD-ROM version of the
proceedings.  Abstracts will be available before the meeting
from a WWW server.  Final versions must follow the HTML
style guidelines referred to above.

This year we will continue to publish the proceedings in two
modalities, paper and a CD-ROM version.  When the procedures
for efficient HTML submission stabilize, we will be
switching from paper to CD-ROM publication in order to
control escalating costs and permit use of search software.
[Comments on this change should be directed to
"alan at" (Alan Lesgold,


Each copy of the submitted paper must include a cover page,
separate from the body of the paper, which includes:

1. Title of paper.

2. Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail
   addresses of all authors.

3. An abstract of no more than 200 words.

4. Three to five keywords in decreasing order of relevance.
   The keywords will be used in the index for the

5. Preference for presentation format:  Talk or poster, talk
   only, poster only.  Poster only submissions should follow
   paper format, but be no more than 2 pages in this format
   (final poster abstracts will follow the same 2 column
   format as papers).  Accepted papers will be presented as
   talks.  Submitted posters by Society Members will be
   accepted for poster presentation, but may, at the
   discretion of the Program Committee, be invited for oral
   presentation.  Non-members may join the Society at the
   time of submission.

6. A note stating if the paper is eligible to compete for a
   Marr Prize.


Papers must be received by Thursday, February 1, 1996.
Papers received after this date will be recycled.


In addition to technical papers, posters, plenary sessions,
and invited symposia, the conference will accept submitted
research symposia.  Proposals for symposia are invited and
should indicate:

1. A brief description of the topic; 
2. How the symposium would address a broad cognitive science
   audience, and some evidence of interest; 
3. Names of symposium organizer(s); 
4. List of potential speakers, their topics, and some
   estimate of their likelihood of participation; 
5. Proposed symposium format (designed to last 90 minutes). 

Symposium proposals should be sent as soon as possible, but
no later than January 1, 1996.  Abstracts of the symposium
talks will be included in the proceedings and must be made
available in HTML format, as above.

Edwin Hutchins and Walter Savitch
hutchins at savitch at

Garrison W. Cottrell
gary at

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