Eytan Ruppin
ruppin at
Tue Nov 28 12:23:55 EST 1995
Adams Super Center for Brain Studies at Tel Aviv University
Workshop Announcement
A workshop on Memory Organization and Consolidation will be
held during May 28-30, 1996 at Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
This meeting is sponsored by Mr. Branco Weiss.
In the last two decades the field of memory research has grown tremendously.
This rapid expansion has been manifested in the recognition of the
multiplicity of memory systems and the rise in popularity of
multiple-memory system analysis, in the ability
to trace changes of brain activity during memory performance
using novel molecular, electrophysiological and imaging techniques, and in
the development of fairly complex models of memory.
The planned workshop will address these issues and discuss how memory
storage and retrieval processes are organized in the brain. In particular,
we shall focus on memory consolidation.
This process involves the alteration of memory traces from
temporary, `short-term' storage to `long-term' memory stores.
It is a fundamental and intriguing process, which is considered to be
strongly connected to our ability to form generalizations by learning
from examples, and may depend also
upon the integrity of specific sleep stages.
The process of consolidation has recently become accessible to
formal analysis using novel computational neural models.
The workshop will provide a meeting ground for both
experimental and computational research approaches.
Numerous questions arise with regard to consolidation theory:
What explanations could it offer? What are its
neuronal (molecular, neurochemical) foundations?
What are the relations between the consolidation processes
and the circadian cycle? What are modulators of consolidation?
What insights can be gained from computational models and how can the
predictions they make be tested experimentally?
The multidisciplinary nature of memory consolidation research,
together with recent advancements, make the proposed workshop a promising
opportunity for a timely and fruitful exchange of ideas between researchers
employing different research methodologies, but sharing common interests in
the study of memory.
The workshop will consist of a three day meeting, and will include a
series of invited talks, a poster session, and discussion panels.
We have invited speakers from different disciplines of the
Neurosciences who will discuss psychological, neurological, physiological
and computational perspectives of the subject. An informal atmosphere will
be maintained, encouraging questions and discussions.
Martin Albert (Boston)
Daniel Amit (Jerusalem and Rome)
Yadin Dudai (Weizmann Institute)
Yoram Feldon (Zurich and Tel Aviv)
Mark Gluck (Rutgers)
Michael Hasselmo (Harvard)
Avi Karni (NIH)
Amos Korzcyn (Tel Aviv)
Jay McClelland (CMU)
Bruce McNaughton (Arizona)
Matti Mintz (Tel Aviv)
Morris Moscovitch (Toronto)
Richard Thompson (USC)
Individuals wishing to present a poster related to any aspect of the
workshop's theme should submit an abstract describing the nature of their
presentation. The single page submission should include title, author(s),
contact information (address and email/fax), and abstract, and will be
reviewed by the Program Committee. Abstract submissions should
ARRIVE by March 31st, 1996, and should be sent to
Eytan Ruppin, Dept. of Computer-Science, Tel-Aviv University,
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 69978.
Program Committee:
David Horn, Michael Mislobodsky and Eytan Ruppin (Tel-Aviv).
Registration and Further Information:
To register for the workshop, please fill out the registration
form attached below and send it to
Mrs. Bila Lenczner
Adams Super Center for Brain Studies
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Tel.: 972-3-6407377
Fax: 972-3-6407932
email:memory at
The workshop will take place at the Gordon faculty club of
Tel Aviv University.
The registration fee of $70 covers lunch and refreshments throughout the
three days of the workshop. Optionally one may register for $30
covering refreshments only. Since the number of places is limited please
register early to secure your participation.
Further questions about conference administration
should be directed to Mrs. Bila Lenczner.
For questions about the workshop technical/scientific content or
absract submissions, please contact
Eytan Ruppin
Dept. of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, 69978, Israel.
Tel.: 972-3-6407864
Fax: 972-3-6409357
email: ruppin at
The final workshop program and updated information will be
available on a WWW homepage at
May 28-30, 1996
Name: ___________________________________________________
Affiliation: ________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Telephone: ___________________________
Fax: ________________________________
e-mail: ______________________________
___ $70 Registration fee including lunch
___ $30 Registration fee including refreshments only
Amount Enclosed: $________________
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "Tel Aviv University"
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