New NIST Technical Document Image Database
Patrick Grother
patrick at
Fri May 19 09:43:52 EDT 1995
NIST Special Database 20
Scientific and Technical Document Database
Special Database 20 contains 23468 high resolution binary images
obtained from copyright-expired scientific and technical journals
and books. The images contain a very rich set of graphic elements
such as graphs, tables, equations, two column text, maps, pictues,
footnotes, annotations, and arrays of such elements. No ground
truthing or original typesetting information is available. The
images contain predominantly machine printed English, although
three French and German documents are included.
+ 104 articles, books, journals
+ 23468 full page binary images
+ High Resolution 15.75 dots per mm ( 400 dpi )
+ 4 compact discs each containing about 500 Mb
+ Updated CCITT IV Compression Source Code: 25x compression
+ A structural statistics file for each image
+ Page rotation estimates
+ Software utilities
Special Database 20 is available as a four 5.25 inch CD-ROM
set in the ISO-9660 format.
Price: $1000.00 US.
For sales contact:
Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Building 221, Room A323
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Voice: (301) 975-2208
FAX: (301) 926-0416
email: srdata at
For technical details contact:
Patrick Grother
Visual Image Processing Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Building 225, Room A216
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899
Voice: (301) 975-4157
email: patrick at
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