CFP: First Int'l Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Neurosciences
georgiou at
Mon May 8 20:15:04 EDT 1995
September 28 to October 1, 1995. ``Shell Island'' Hotels of
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, USA.
We are pleased to announce the First International Conference on
Computational Intelligence and Neurosciences to be held as part of the
upcoming Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS) from
September 28 to October 1, 1995 in Wrightsville Beach, NC. We expect
that this symposium will be of interest to neural network researchers,
computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians, physicists,
neuroscientists and psychologists.
Research in neural computing has grown enormously in the past decade,
and it is becoming an increasingly specialized field. Using a
combination of didactic and workshop settings, we wish to present an
overview of where neural computing is presently at. Talks will be
given by experts in theoretical and experimental neuroscience, and
there will be ample opportunity for discussion and collegial exchange.
In addition to presenting current work, our aim is to address some of
the important open questions in neural computing. We hope to delineate
how information science, as an interdisciplinary field, can aid in moving
neural computing into the next century.
Invited Speakers include:
James Anderson (Brown University)
Subhash Kak (Louisiana State University)
Haluk Ogmen (Houston of Houston)
Ed Page (University of South Carolina)
Jeffrey Sutton (Harvard University)
L.E.H. Trainor (University of Toronto)
Co-chairs: Subhash Kak & Jeffrey Sutton
Program Committee
Robert Erickson George Georgiou David Hislop Michael Huerta
Subhash C. Kak Stephen Koslow Sridhar Narayan Slater E. Newman
Gregory Lockhead Richard Palmer David C. Rubin Nestor Schmajuk
David W. Smith John Staddon Jeffrey P. Sutton Harold Szu
L.E.H. Trainor Abraham Waksman Paul Werbos M. L. Wolbarsht
Max Woodbury
Areas for which papers are sought include:
* Neural Network Architectures
* Artificially Intelligent Neural Networks
* Artificial Life
* Associative Memory
* Computational Intelligence
* Cognitive Science
* Fuzzy Neural Systems
* Relations between Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks
* Theory of Evalutionary Computation
* Efficiency/Robustness Comparisons with Other Direct Search Algorithms
* Parallel Computer Applications
* Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Computing
* Evaluationary Computation for Neural Networks
* Fuzzy Logic in Evolutionary Algorithms
* Neurocognition
* Neurodynamics
* Optimization
* Feature Extraction & Pattern Recognition
* Learning and Memory
* Implementations (electronic, Optical, Biochips)
* Intelligent Control
Summary Deadline: July 20, 1995
Decision & Notification: August 5, 1995
Send summaries to: George M. Georgiou
Computer Science Department
California State University
San Bernardino, CA 92407
georgiou at
Papers will be accepted based on summaries. A summary shall not
exceed 4 pages of 10-point font, double-column, single-spaced text, (1
page minimum) with figures and tables included. Any summary exceeding
4 pages will be charged $100 per additional page. Three copies of the
summary are required by July 24,1995. A deposit of $150 check must be
included to guarantee the publication of your 4 pages summary in the
Proceedings. $150 can be deducted from registration fee later. Final
version of the full length paper must be submitted by October 1,
1995. Four (4) copies of the full length paper shall be prepared
according to the ``Information for Authors'' appearing at the back
cover of Information Sciences, an International Journal (Elsevier
Publishing Co.). A full paper shall not exceed 20 pages including
figures and tables. All full length papers will be reviewed by experts
in their respective fields. Revised papers will be due on April 15,
1996. Accepted papers will appear in the hard-covered proceeding
(book) to be published by a publisher or Information Sciences Journal
(INS journal now has three publications: Informatics and Computer
Sciences, Intelligent Systems, Applications). All fully registered
conference attendees will receive a copy of proceeding (summary) on
September 28, 1995; a free one-year subscription (paid by this
conference) of Information Sciences Journal - Applications. Lastly,
the right to purchase either or all of Vol.I, Vol.II, Vol.III of
Advances in FT & T hard-covered, deluxe, professional books at 1/2
price. The Title of the books are ``Advances in Fuzzy Theory &
Technology, Volume I or II or III''.
Up to 7/15/95 After 7/15/95
Full Registration $275.00 $395.00
Student Registration $100.00 $160.00
Tutorial(per Mini-Course) $120.00 $160.00
Exhibit Boot Fee $300.00 $400.00
One Day Fee(no pre-reg. discount) $195.00
$ 85.00 (Student)
FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Includes admission to all sessions, exhibit
area, coffee, tea and soda. A copy of conference proceedings (summary) at
conference and one year subscription of Information Sciences - Applications,
An International Journal, published by Elsevier Publishing Co. In addition,
the right to purchase the hard-cover deluxe books at 1/2 price. Award Banquet
on Sept. 30, 1995 is included through Full Registration. One day registration
does not include banquet, but one year IS Journal - C subscription is
included for one-day full registration only. Tutorials are not included.
STUDENT CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: For full-time students only. A letter from
your department is required. You must present a current student ID with
picture. A copy of conference proceedings (summary) is included. Admission to
all sessions, exhibit area, area, coffee,tea and soda. The right to purchase
the hard-cover deluxe books at 1/2 price. Free subscription of IS Journal -
Applications, however, is not included.
TUTORIALS REGISTRATION: Any person can register for the Tutorials. A copy of
lecture notes for the course registered is included. Coffee, tea and soda are
included. The summary and free subscription of IS Journal - Applications is,
However, not included. The right to purchase the hard-cover deluxe books is
Several mini-courses are scheduled for sign-up. Please take note that any one
of them may be cancelled or combined with other mini-courses due to the lack
of attendance. Cost of each mini-course is $120 up to 7/15/95 & $160 after
7/15/95, the same cost for all mini-course.
No. Name of Mini-Course Instructor Time
A Languages and Compilers for J. Ramanujan 6:30 pm - 9 pm
Distributed Memory Machine Sept. 28
B Pattern Recognition Theory H. D. Cheng 6:30 pm - 9 pm
Sept. 28
C Fuzzy Set Theory George Klir 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Sept. 29
D Neural Network Theory Richard Palmer 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Sept. 29
E Fuzzy Expert Systems I. B. Turksen 6:30 pm - 9 pm
Sept. 29
F Intelligent Control Systems Chris Tseng 6:30 pm - 9 pm
Sept. 29
G Neural Network Applications Subhash Kak 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Sept. 30
H Pattern Recognition Applications Edward K. Wong 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Sept. 30
I Fuzzy Logic & NN Integration Marcus Thint 9:30am - 12:00
Oct. 1
J Rough Set Theory Tsau Young Lin 9:30am - 12:00
Oct. 1
Tutorial Conference Information
Paul P. Wang Jerry C.Y. Tyan Kitahiro Kaneda
ppw at ctyan at hiro at
Tel. (919)660-5271 Tel. (919)660-5233 Tel. (919)660-5233
Coordinates Overall Administration Local Arrangement Chair
Xiliang Gu Sridhar Narayan
gu at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
Tel. (919)660-5233 Wilmington, NC 28403
(919)383-5936 U. S. A.
narayan at
Tel: 910 395 3671 (work)
910 395 5378 (home)
The Travel Center of Durham, Inc. has been designated the officeal travel
provider. Special domestic fares have been arranged and The Travel Center is
prepared to book all flight travel.
Domestic United States and Canada: 1-800-334-1085
International FAX: 919-687-0903
U. S. A.
This is the conference site and lodging. A block of suites (double rooms)
have been reserved for JCIS'95 attendees with discounted rate. All prices
listed here are for double occupancies.
$100.00 + 9% Tax (Sun.- Thur.)
$115.00 + 9% Tax (Fri. - Sat.)
$10.00 for each additional person over 2 people per room.
We urge you to make reservation early. Free transportation from and to
Wilmington, N. C. Airport is available for ``Shell Island'' Resort Hotel
Guests. However, you must make reservation for this free service. Please
Carvie Gillikin, Director of Sales
Voice: 1-800-689-6765
or: 910-256-8696
FAX: 910-256-0154
If you wish to automatically receive information through email on
JCIS'95 as it also pertains to the other two conferences that are part
of JCIS'95 ("Fourth Annual Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology"
and "Second Annual Conference on Computer Theory and Informatics"),
please send email
To: georgiou at
Subject: JCIS-95
The body of the message is not significant.
It is important to choose only one plan; Participation Plan A or Plan
B or Plan C. (Choose Plan C for First International Conference on
Computational Intelligence and Neurosciences)
[ ] I wish to receive further information.
[ ] I intend to participate in the conference.
[ ] I intend to present my paper to regular session.
[ ] I intend to register in tutorial(s).
Mane: Dr./Mr./Mrs. _________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Country: ___________________________________________________________
Phone:________________ Fax: _______________ E-mail: ________________
Affiliation(for Badge): ____________________________________________
Participation Plan: [ ]A [ ]B [ ]C
Up to 7/15/95 After 7/15/95
Full Registration [ ]$275.00 [ ]$395.00
Student Registration [ ]$100.00 [ ]$160.00
Tutorial(per Mini-Course) [ ]$120.00 [ ]$160.00
Exhibit Boot Fee [ ]$300.00 [ ]$400.00
One Day Fee(no pre-reg. discount) [ ]$195.00
[ ]$ 85.00 (Student)
Total Enclosed(U.S. Dollars): ________________
$ Please make check payable and mail to: $
$ FT & T $
$ c/o. Paul P. Wang $
$ Dept. of Electrical Engineering $
$ Duke University $
$ Durham, NC 27708 $
$ U. S. A. $
$ $
$ All foreign payments must be made by $
$ draft on a US Bank in US dollars. No $
$ credit cards or purchase order can be $
$ accepted. $
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