Research in CS, AI, NLP and Speech

Yorick Wilks yorick at
Tue May 2 18:18:44 EDT 1995

				University of Sheffield, UK
		               Department of Computer Science
                            RESEARCH DEGREES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE

This department intends to recruit a number of postgraduate research
students to commence studies in October 1995. Successful applicants will be
registered for an M.Phil or Ph.D. The department has four research groups,
with interests as follows:

Formal Methods and Software Engineering
Telematics, Formal Specification, Verification and Testing, Object-Oriented
Languages and Design, Proof Theory.
Parallel Processing
Parallel Database Machines, Parallel CASE Tools, Safety-Critical systems.

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
Natural Language Processing (including corpus and lexically based methods,
information extraction and pragmatics), Neural Networks, Computer Graphics,  
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Computer Argumentation.

Speech and Hearing
Auditory Scene Analysis, Models of Auditory Perception, Automatic Speech
It is expected that a number of (British Government) EPSRC awards will be
available to UK residents, in addition to the University's own studentship
and bursary schemes, some of which are open to all. Candidates for these
awards should have a good honours degree in a relevant discipline (not
necessarily Computer Science), or should attain such a degree by October
1995.  Part-time registration is also possible.  We especially welcome
applications from (non-British) EU citizens elegible for support under the
EU's Research Training Grants schemes (with application deadlines in May
and September).
Application forms and further particulars are available from The
Departmental Secretary, Department of Computer Science, University of
Sheffield, Regent Court, 211 Portobello St, Sheffield S1 4DP.
More details can also be obtained from world-wide-web address Informal enquiries may be addressed to
Dr. Phil. Green, phone 0114-282-5578, email at
Prof Yorick Wilks, phone 0114-282-5563, email yorick at

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