Neurap 95 WWW page

Marco Maggini maggini at McCulloch.Ing.UniFI.IT
Tue May 2 12:42:38 EDT 1995

                   8th International Conference on
               Neural Networks and their Applications

             Marseilles - December 13-14-15, 1995 France

                First announcement and call for papers



Following the previous conferences in Nimes, in 1995 the eighth Neural
Networks and their Applications Conference will be organized in Marseilles,
France. The attendance is unique in its kind composed half by industrial
engineers and half by university scientists, coming from all over the
The purpose of the NEURAP conference is to present the latest results in
the application of artificial neural networks.
Theoretical aspects of Artificial Neural Networks are to be presented at
the ESANN (European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks) conference.
This edition will give a
particular place, but not exclusively, to the three following application

      * Automation
      * Robotics
      * Electrical Engineering.

To this end, leading international researchers in these domains have been
added to the scientific committee. The program committee of NEURAP'95
welcomes papers covering any kind of applications, methods, techniques, or
tools that help to understand or develop neural networks applications. To
help the prospective authors, the following is a non exhaustive list of
topics which will be covered:

   * Speech or image recognition
   * Fault tolerance
   * Data or sensor fusion
   * Process control
   * Forecasting
   * Classification
   * Knowledge acquisition
   * Planning
   * Methods or tools for evaluating neural networks performance
   * Preprocessing of data
   * Simulation tools (research, education, development)
   * Hybrid systems (fuzzy, genetic algorithms, symbolic representation, etc.)
   * etc. ...

The conference will be held in Marseilles, second largest city in France.
Due to the proximity of the Mediterrannean sea, winter is usually sunny and
temperate. Marseilles is well served by airways and railways, and is
connected to the major European cities.


Prospective authors are invited to submit six originals of their
contribution (full paper) before June 15, 1995. The proceedings will be
publish in English.

Papers should not exceed eight A4 pages (double columms, including figures
and references). Printing area will be 17 x 23.5  cm (centered on the A4
pages); left, right, top and bottom margins will thus respectively be 1.9,
1.9, 2.5 and 3.4 cm. 10-point Times font will be used for the main text;
headings will be in bold characters (but not underlined), and will be
separate from the main text by two blank lines before and one after.
Manuscripts prepared in this format will be reproduced in the same size in
the book.

Originals of the figures will be pasted into the manuscript and centered
between the margins.  The lettering of the figures should be in 10-point
Times font size.  Figures should be numbered.  The legends also should be
centered between the margins and be written in 9-point Times font size.

The pages of the manuscript will not be numbered (numbering decided by
the editor).

A separate page (not included in the manuscript) will indicate:

   * the title of the manuscript
   * author(s) name(s)
   * the complete address (including phone & fax numbers and E-mail) of the
     corresponding author
   * a list of five keywords or topics

On the same page, the authors will copy and sign the following paragraph:
"in case of acceptation of the paper for presentation at NEURAP'95:

  * at least one of the authors will register to the conference and will
    present the paper
  * the author(s) give their rights up over the paper to the organizers of
    NEURAP'95, for the proceedings and any publication that could directly be
    generated by the conference
  * if the paper does not match the format requirements for the proceedings,
    the author(s) will send a revised version within two weeks of the
    notification of acceptation."

Presentations will be oral or poster, depending on the wish of theauthor(s)
and, also, of organisation constraints. 20 minutes will be allowed for oral
presentation. Each poster will be allowed an oral presentation of 3 minutes
at the beginning of the poster presentation. The full paper of either oral
or poster presentation will be published in the proceedings.


			Registration before 		Registration after
			October 1st, 1995		October 1st, 1995
Students		   1000 FF			   1200 FF
Unversities		   1600 FF			   1800 FF
Industries	   	   2000 FF			   2300 FF

An "advanced registration form" is available by writing to the conference
secretariat (see reply form below). Please ask for this form in order to
benefit from the reduced registration fee before October 1st, 1995.


Submission of papers 			June 15, 1995
Notification of acceptance 	        September 18, 1995
Conference 				December 13-14-15, 1995


Dr. Claude TOUZET 		
IUSPIM			                Email: diam_ct at
Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Jrme	Phone: +33 91 05 60 60
F-13397 Marseille Cedex 20 (France) 	Fax: +33 91 05 60 09


If you wish to receive the final program of NEURAP'95, for any address
change, or to add one of your colleagues in our database, please send this
form to the conference secretariat. Please indicate if you wish to receive
the advanced registration form.

Please return this form under stamped envelope to:

Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Jrme
Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen
F-13397 Marseille Cedex 20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: ............................................................
First Name: ......................................................
University or Comany: ............................................

Address: .........................................................

ZIP: .......................  Town: ..............................
Country: .........................................................
Tel: .............................................................
Fax: .............................................................
E-mail: ..........................................................

[ ] Please send me the "advanced registration form".
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE  (to be confirmed)

Jeanny Herault	        INPG (Grenoble, F) - President
Karl Goser	        Universitt Dortmund (D) - President

Bernard Amy 	        IMAG (Grenoble, F)
Xavier Arreguit         CSEM (CH)
Jacob Bahren 	        CESAR (Oak Ridge, USA)
Gaston Baudat 	        Sodeco (Genve, CH)
Jean-Marie Bernassau 	Sanofi Recherche (Montpellier, F)
Pierre Bessire 	IMAG/LIFIA (Grenoble, F)
Jean Bigeon	        INPG (Grenoble, F)
Giacomo Bisio 	        Universit di Genova (I)
Franois Blayo	        SAMOS - Univ. Paris I (F)
Jean Bourjault	        Universit de Besanon (F)
Paul Bourret 	        Onera-Cert (Toulouse, F)
Joan Cabestany 	        UPC (Barcelone, E)
Leon O. Chua 	        University of California (USA)
Mauricio Cirrincione	Universita di Palermo (I)
Ian Cloete	        University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Daniel Collobert        CNET (lannion, F)
Philippe Coiffet        CRIIF (Gif sur Yvette, F)
Marie Cottrell          SAMOS - Universit Paris I (F)
Alexandru Cristea       Institut of Virology (Bucharest, Romania)
Dante Del Corso         Politecnico di Torino (I)
Marc Duranton           LEP (Limeil-Brvannes, F)
Franoise Fogelman      Sligos (Clamart, F)
Kunihiko Fukushima      Osaka University (J)
Patrick Gallinari       Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, F)
Josef Gppert           University of Tbingen (D)
Marita Gordon           CEA (Grenoble, F)
Marco Gori              Universita di Firenze (I)
Erwin Groospietsch      GMD (Sankt Augustin, D)
Martin Hasler           EPFL (Lausanne, CH)
Jean-Paul Haton         Crin- inria (Nancy, F)
Jaap Hoekstra           Delft University of Technology (NL)
Yujiro Inouye           Osaka University (Japan)
Masumi Ishikawa         Kyushu Institute of Technology (J)
Christian Jutten        INPG (Grenoble, F)
Heinrich Klar           Technische Universitt Berlin (D)
Jean-Franois           Lavignon DRET (Arcueil, F)
John Lazzaro            Univ. of California (Berkeley, USA)
Vincent Lorquet         ITMI (Grenoble, F)
Daniel Memmi            CNRS/LIMSI (Orsay, F)
Ruy Milidiu             University of Rio (Bresil)
Pietro Morasso          University of Genoa (I)
Fabien Moutarde         Alcatel Alsthom Recherche (F)
Alan F. Murray          University of Edinburgh (GB)
Akira Namatame          National Defence Academy (J)
Josef A. Nossek         Technische Univ. Mnchen (D)
Erkki Oja               Lappeenranta Univ. of Tech. (FIN)
Stanislaw Osowski       University of Warsaw (Poland)
Carsten Peterson        University of Lund (S)
Alberto Prieto          Universidad de Granada (E)
Pierre Puget            CEA (Grenoble, F)
Ulrich Ramacher         Technische Universitt Dresden (D)
Leornardo Reyneri       Universita di Pisa (I)
Tamas Roska             MTA-SZTAKI (Budapest, H)
Jean-Claude Sabonnadiere INPG (Grenoble, F)
Juan Miguel Santos      University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Leslie S. Smith         University of Stirling (GB)
John T. Taylor          University College London (GB)
Carme Torras            Institut de Cibernetica/CSIC (E)
Claude Touzet           DIAM/IUSPIM (Marseille, F)
Michel Verleysen        UCL (Louvain-La-Neuve, B)
Eric Vittoz             CSEM (Neuchtel, CH)
Alexandre Wallyn        CGInn (Boulogne-Billancourt, F)


Norbert Giambiasi       DIAM/IUSPIM - President

Jean-Claude Bertrand    IUSPIM 	
Claudia Frydman         DIAM/IUSPIM
J.-Franois Lemaitre    IIRIAM	
Danielle Bertrand       IUSPIM

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