Doctoral Research Scholarships
Paul Refenes
Tue May 2 11:04:59 EDT 1995
Collaborative PhD Research Scholarships
Department of Decision Science
London Business School
University of London
The Department of Decision Science at London Business School is offering
three scholarships on its Doctoral programme. Commencing in October 1995
the research areas will include Neural Networks, Non-parametric statistics,
Financial Engineering, Simulation, Optimisation and Decision Analysis.
Principled Model Selection for Neural Network Applications in Nonlinear
Time Series: to utilise developments from multinomial,times series theory
and from the non-parametric statistics field for developing distribution
theories, statistical diagnostics, and test procedures for recurrent neural
network model identification. The methodology will be used to develop
models of nonlinear cointegration in equity markets and in
telecommunications data.
Advanced Decision Technology in Financial Risk Management: The use of
advanced decision technologies such as neural networks, non parametric
statistics and genetic algorithms for the development of financial risk
management models in the currency and soft commodity markets. Our
industrial collaborator has special interest on robust neural network models
for hedging and arbitrage strategies in the currency, soft commodity and
equity markets.
Intelligent systems in Industry Modelling and Simulation Environments: the
use of simulation for the development of business strategy and the
facilitation of executive debate is now well established and popular. Neural
network technology will be used for the development of "intelligent
simulation agents" that can process the vast amount of data generated by the
simulations and adapt their behaviour by learning from the feed back
London Business School offers students enrolled in the doctoral programme
core courses on Research Methodology, Statistical Analysis, as well as a choice
of advanced specialised subject area courses including Financial Economics,
Equity Investment, Derivatives Research, etc.
Candidates with a strong background in mathematics, oprerations research,
computer science, nonparametric statistics, and/or econometrics who wish to
apply are invited to write with a copy
of their CV to:
Professor D. Bunn or
Dr A-P. N. Refenes
London Business School
Regents Park, London NW1 4SA
tel: ++ 44 171 262 5050
fax: ++ 44 171 728 78 75
The Department
The Department of Decision Sciences of the London Business School is actively
involved in innovative multi-disciplinary research on the application of new
business modelling methodologies to individual and organisation decision-
making. In seeking to extend the effectiveness of conventional methods of
management science, statistical methods and decision support systems, with the
latest generation of software platforms, artificial intelligence, neural networks,
genetic algorithms and computationally intensive methods, the research themes
of the department remain at the forefront of new practice.
The NeuroForecasting Research Unit
The NeuroForecasting Research Unit at London Business School is the major
centre in Europe for research into neural networks, non-parametric statistics and
financial engineering. With funding from the DTI, the European Commission
and a consortium of leading financial institutions the research unit has attained a
world-wide reputation for collaborative research. Doctoral students work in a
team of highly motivated post-doctoral fellows, research fellows, doctoral
students and faculty who are amongst Europe's leading authorities in the field.
Advanced Decision Support Platforms
The current trend in the design of decision support is towards a synthesis of
multiple approaches and integration of business modelling techniques
(optimisation with simulation, forecasting with decision analysis, etc. Using
object-oriented software architectures, the group has developed innovative
approaches for model structuring, strategic analysis, forecasting and decision-
analytic procedures. Several companies and the ESRC are currently supporting
this work.
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