NN chips
ugur halici
halici at rorqual.CC.METU.EDU.TR
Mon Mar 27 03:23:33 EST 1995
Dear Colleagues,
We are gathering information on Neural Network hardware devices
that have been implemented.
Until now, we have collected sufficient information on the following
chips/devices, for which a reference list for these devices is
provided at the end of the message:
Nestor Ni1000
Siemens MA16
Mitsubishi Branch Neuron Unit
Bell Labs Hopfield Chip
Hitachi Digital Chip
Philips L-Neuro
University of Edinburgh EPSILON
AT&T Bell Labs ANNA
Adaptive Solution CNAPS
Hitachi WSI
However we have insufficient information on the following:
British Telecom HANNIBAL
Silicon Retina
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Hopfield Chip
BELLCORE Boltzmann Machine
KAKADU Multilayer Perceptron
Fujitsu Analog-Digital Chip
U. of Catholique Louvain Kohonen SOFM Chip
MIT Neuroprocessor Chip
We will appreciate your contact if you have involved somehow in implemented
neuro-chips whose name is not in our list or listed among the ones for which
we have insufficient information.
Ugur Halici
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Middle East Technical University,
06531, Ankara
Fax: (+90) 312 210 12 61
Email: halici at rorqual.cc.metu.edu
Alspector, J.,et. al., 1989, "Performance of a Stochastic Learning Microchip.",
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol.1, pp. 748-760.
Arima, Y., et. al, 1991a, "A 336-Neuron, 28-K Synapse, Self-learning Neural
Network Chip with Branch-Neuron-Unit Architecture.", IEEE Journal of
Solid State Circuits, Vol.26, No.11, pp. 1637-1644.
Arima, Y., et. al, 1991b, "A Self-learning Neural Network Chip with
125-Neurons and 10-K self-Organization Synapses.", IEEE Journal of Solid
State Circuits, Vol.26, No.4, pp. 607-611.
Arima, Y., et. al, 1992, "A Refreshable Analog VLSI Neural Network Chip with
400-Neurons and 40-K synapses", IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
Vol.27, No.12, pp. 1854-1861.
Castro, H.A., et. al, 1993, "Implementation and Performance of Analog
Nonvolatile Neural Network", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal
Processing, Vol.4, pp. 97-113.
Eberhardt, S.P., et.al., 1992, "Analog VLSI Neural Netowrks: Implementation
Issues and Examples in Optimization and Supervised Learning.", IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.39, No.6, pp. 552-564.
Hamilton, A., et. al, 1993, "Pulse Stream VLSI Circuits and Systems: The
EPSILON Neural Network Chipset", International Journal of Neural
Systems, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 395-405.
Holler, M., et. al, 1989, "An Electrically Trainable Artificial Neural
Network (ETANN) with 1024 'Floating Gate' Syanpse", Proceedings of IACNN
1989, pp.191-196
INTEL 80170NW ETANN Experimental Sheet, May 1990, Intel Corp.
Maher, M.A.C., et.al., 1989, "Implementing Neural Architectures Using Analog
VLSI Circuits.", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 36, No.
5, pp. 643-652
Mueller, D., and D.Hammerstorm, 1992, "A Neural Network Systems Component",
Proceedings of IEEE ICNN 1992, pp. 1258-1264.
Murray, A.F., et. al, 1994, "Pulse Stream VLSI Neural Networks.", IEEE Micro,
June 1994, pp. 29-38.
Ramacher, U., 1992, "SYNAPSE - A Neurocomputer that Synthesizes Neural
Algorithms on a Parallel Systolic Engine", Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Vol.14, pp. 306-318.
Ramacher, U., et. al, 1993, "Multiprocessor and Memory Architecture of
the Neurocomputer Synapse-1", International Journal of Neural Systems,
Vol.4, No.4, pp. 333-336.
Sackinger, E., et. al, 1992a, "Application of the ANNA Neural Network Chip
to High-speed Character Recognition.", IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks, Vol.3, No.3, pp. 498-505.
Tam, S., et. al, 1992, "A Reconfigurable Multi-chip Analog Neural Network
Recognition and Back-Propagation Training", Proceedings of IEEE ICNN
1992, pp. 625-630.
Watanebe, T., et. al, 1993, "A Single 1.5V Digital Chip for a 106 Synapse
Neural Network.", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.4, No.3, pp.
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