Backpropagation volume available
Yves Chauvin
yves at
Tue Mar 14 16:01:26 EST 1995
The volume:
Back-propagation: Theory, Architectures, and Applications. (1995).
Yves Chauvin and David E. Rumelhart (Eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum:
Hillsdale, NJ.
is now available.
Table of Contents and ordering instructions are given below.
Yves Chauvin
Backpropagation: The basic theory.
D. E. Rumelhart, R. Durbin, R. Golden, Y. Chauvin
Phoneme recognition using time-delay neural networks.
A. Waibel, T. Hanazawa, G. E. Hinton, K. Shikano, K. J. Lang
Automated aircraft flare and touchdown control using neural networks
C. Schley, Y. Chauvin, V. Henkle
Recurrent backpropagation networks.
F. J. Pineda
A focused backpropagation algorithm for temporal pattern recognition
M. C. Mozer
Nonlinear control with neural networks
D. H. Nguyen, B. Widrow
Forward models: Supervised learning with a distal teacher.
M. J. Jordan, D. E. Rumelhart
Backpropagation: Some comments and variations.
S. J. Hanson
Graded state machines: The representation of temporal contingencies in
feedback networks.
A. Cleeremans, D. Servan-Schreiber, J. L. McClelland
Spatial coherence as an internal teacher for a neural network.
S. Becker, G. E. Hinton
Connectionist modeling and control of finite state systems given
partial state information.
J. R. Bachrach, M. C. Mozer
Backpropagation and unsupervised learning in linear networks.
P. Baldi, Y. Chauvin, K. Hornik
Gradient-based learning algorithms for recurrent networks and their
computational complexity.
R. J. Williams, D. Zipser
When neural networks play Sherlock Holmes
P. Baldi, Y. Chauvin
Gradient descent learning algorithms: A unified perspective
P. Baldi
To order:
1) call toll free: 1-800-9-BOOKS-9 (1-800-926-6579)
2) fax: 201-666-2394
3) email: orders at
4) send order to:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc
365 Broadway
Hillsdale, NJ 07642
- Orders should include name of Editors, Title, and ISBN (0-8058-1258-X).
-if paying by check include handling charge of $2.00 for first book and $.50
for each additional book.
- if paying by credit card include: card name, ie: Visa, Mastercard,
AMEX, Discover, include card number, expiration and signature if mailing credit
card order.
Price for the hard cover copy is $125 and $45 for the paper back.
There is a 10% discount off orders that are prepaid
(for individuals only).
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