call for papers - please circulate! RPRAGHUPATHI at
Sat Mar 11 14:27:48 EST 1995

                         CALL FOR PAPERS
                JANUARY 3 - 6, 1996, MAUI, HAWAII
Papers are invited for the minitrack on NEURAL NETWORKS IN BUSINESS
as part of The Information Systems track at the Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Researchers and practitioners doing work in neural network
applications in the different functional areas of business such as
marketing, production, HRM, software engineering, finance,
accounting, health care, and law are invited to submit papers for
consideration for this minitrack at HICSS. Papers must focus on
applications in new areas, describe the methodology, lessons
learnt, and future research issues. Comparisons of neural network
performance to traditional models are also encouraged. The task
modeled must be important and relevant to business situations, the
data used real, and the implementation complete.

Mini-track coordinators:
W. "RP" Raghupathi
California State University
Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems
Chico, CA 95929-011
Phone: (916) 898-4825
Fax: (916) 898-4584
Shashi Shekhar
University of Minnesota
Computer Science Department
4-192 EE/CS Building
200 Union Street S.E.
Minneapoli, MN 55455-0159
Phone: (612) 624-8307
Fax: (612) 625-0572
E-mail: shekhar at

Instructions for submitting papers:

1. Submit 6 (six) copies of the full paper, consisting of 20-25   
   pages double-spaced including title page, abstract, references 
   and diagrams directly to either of the minitrack coordinators.

2. Do not submit the paper to more than one minitrack. Paper should 
   contain original material and not be previously published or
   currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.
3. Each paper must have a title page which includes the title, full 
   name of all authors, and their complete addresses including    
   affiliation(s), telephone numbers(s), and e-mail address(es).  

4. The first page of the paper should include the title and a    
   300-word abstract.                                            
 MARCH 15, 1995: Abstracts may be submitted to minitrack
coordinators (or track coordinators) for guidance and indication of 
appropriate content. Authors unfamiliar with HICSS or who wish
additional guidance are encouraged to contact any coordinator to
discuss potential papers.                                         

JUNE 1, 1995: Six (6) copies of the full papers must be submitted
to the appropriate minitrack or track coordinators.     

AUG. 31, 1995: Notification of accepted papers mailed to authors. 
OCT. 1, 1995: Accepted manuscripts, camera-ready, sent to minitrack
coordinators. One author from each paper must be registered by this
NOV. 15, 1995: All other registrations must be received.
Registration received after this deadline may not be accepted due
to space limitations. Hotel reservations should also be made by
this time.                                                        

The "Neural Networks in Business" minitrack is part of the
Information Systems Track. There are two other major tracks in the
conference: software technology and Digital Documents. The
Information Systems Track itself has several minitracks that focus
on a variety of research topics in Collaboration Technology,
Decision Support and Knowledge-Based Systems, and Organizational
Systems and Technology. For more information contact:             

Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. 
E-mail: nunamaker at                                 
        (602) 621-4475                                            
        FAX: (602) 621-2433                                       
Ralph H. Sprague, Jr.            
E-mail:sprague at                             
       (808) 956-7082                                             
       FAX: (808) 956-9889                                        
For more information on other tracks, please contact:             
Software Technology Track:                                        
Hesham El-Rewini  E-mail: rewini at            
Bruce D. Shriver  E-mail: b.shriver at                  
Digital Documents Track:                                          
M. Stuart Lynn    E-mail: msylnn at
For more information on the conference, please contact the
conference coordinator:                                           
Pamela Harrington E-mail: hicss at            
                  (808) 956-7396
                  FAX: (808) 956-3766

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