FOGELMAN Francoise + 33 1 41 28 41 70 Francoise.Fogelman at laforia.ibp.fr
Thu Mar 2 04:06:01 EST 1995

                       UPDATED   BROCHURE


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                          PARIS, OCTOBER 9-13, 1995
                             Maison de la Chimie

                             NEURAL NETWORKS
                           THEIR APPLICATIONS


                           SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE
                           INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE
                              & EXHIBITION

                              organized by


Over the last four years, the ENNS - European Neural Network Society - 
has held its annual conference ICANN in Helsinki (1991), Brighton (1992),
Amsterdam (1993) and Sorrento (1994). 
This conference has become the foremost meeting for the European neural
network scientific community.

In 1995, ENNS will hold the ICANN meeting in Paris.

The format of this conference will include a scientific conference, an
industrial conference, tutorials, industrial forums and an industrial

Our challenge, in organizing this conference, is to achieve the highest
scientific quality for papers presented at the scientific conference 
(through a strict selection procedure), together with the most convincing 
set of applications presented at the industrial conference (only operational,
top-level applications will be considered). Papers should stress the
rationale of the Neural Network approach and provide a comparison with other
techniques. We thus hope to demonstrate that Neural Networks are indeed a
very deep and exciting field of research, as well as a most efficient,
profitable technique for the industry.

To achieve these goals, we seek contributions from all the scientists, both
from academy and industry, who share our interests and our quality 


The conference will cover the following domains :

* theory
* algorithms & architectures
* implementations (hardware & software)
* cognitive sciences & AI
* neurobiology
* applications 
	identification & control
	image processing & vision
	speech & signal processing

This conference will cover two main categories: on the one hand, 
descriptions of tools and methods and their use in real-life cases and, 
on the other, descriptions of concrete applications in industry and 
the sector of services. 
All fields of application are eligible.
Special sessions will be organized on specific areas of industry such as:
* banking, finance & insurance
* telecommunications
* teledetection
* process engineering, control and monitoring
* oil industry
* power industry
* food processing
* transportation
* robotics
* speech processing
* document processing, OCR, text retrieval & indexing
* VLSI & dedicated hardware
* forecasting & marketing
* technical diagnosis
* non destructive testing
* medicine
* defense

The conference will be held in la Maison de la Chimie, right in the center 
of Paris, near les Invalides. Built in 1707, for Frederic-Maurice de 
la Tour, Comte d'Auvergne, Lieutenant General to King Louis XIV, the Mansion 
has today become a Congress Center equipped with all the modern facilities. 

Length of papers: not exceeding 6 pages in A4 format (i. e. about 8,000
characters). An electronic format will be made available at : 
ftp lix.polytechnique.fr
login: anonymous
password : your e-mail address
in the directory /pub/ICANN95/out, read file README for instructions.
If you want to leave messages or enquiries, you can also use :
in the directory /pub/ICANN95/in,  read file README for instructions.

Seven copies of the papers should reach the Conference Secretariat at the
address below by ****** APRIL 15 1995 ***** :

1 avenue Newton
bp 207
92 142 CLAMART Cedex
Fax: +33 - 1 - 41 28 45 84

Submitted papers should be accompanied by a cover page giving:
* the title of the paper and the author(s) name(s),
* the author's address, phone number and extension, fax number and, if 
possible, e-mail address,
* a 10-line abstract together with a list of key-words,
* an indication of which conference the paper should be included in: 
scientific or industrial

Papers submitted for the scientific conference should be in English.
Papers submitted for the industrial conference may be either in English or

Tutorials will be organized.
The Program Committee is open to proposals for tutorials covering 
industrial applications. Suggestions should describe the content of 
the tutorial (in 150-200 words) and the instructor's expertise and 
experience in the field concerned.
The deadline for reception is MAY 15 1995.


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