NCAF Spring Conference

bishopc bishopc at
Wed Mar 1 03:29:38 EST 1995



                      NCAF Two-Day Conference:

     "Practical Applications and Techniques of Neural Networks"

                 (sponsored by IBM and Neuroptics)

                      12 and 13 April, 1995

                   Robinson College, Cambridge, UK

12 April 1995

Invited Guest Tutorial:  Pattern Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
  Prof Steve Young, Cambridge University

Keynote Talk: The IBM ZISC Chip
  Guy Paillet, Neuroptics Consulting

Neural Computing:  The Key Answers?
  Prof David Bounds, Aston University (EPSRC Neural Computing Coordinator)

Neural Networks for Analysis of EEG
  David Siegwart, Oxford University

High Speed Car Number Plate Recognition  (with demonstration!)
  Steve Gull, Cambridge University

Workshop:  Practicalities of Training Networks
  An interactive workshop with opportunities for questions and 
  discussion from the audience.

Champagne Reception hosted by Neuroptics and IBM

The ZISC Banquet
  After dinner speaker: Robert Worden, Logica Cambridge

13 April 1995

Neural Interpretation of Foetal Heart Rate Traces
  Richard Shaw, Cambridge University

Classification of Wood Quality
  John Keating, St Patrick's, Ireland

Medical Diagnosis Using ARTMap for Autonomous Learning
  Robert Harrison, Sheffield University

Control of a Jet Engine
  Ian Nabney, Aston University

Detection of Organised Credit Card Fraud
  Iain Strachan, AEA Technology

Recurrent Networks for Very Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition
  Tony Robinson, Cambridge University

Interpretation and Knowledge Discovery in MLPs
  Marilyn Vaughn, RMCS, Cranfield University

Solving Folding Optimisation Problems with Self-Organising Networks
  Shara Amin, British Telecom

Using Neural Networks for Property Valuation
  Howard James, Portsmouth University

An Evaluation of the Neocognitron
  David Lovell, Cambridge University



The Neural Computing Applications Forum (NCAF) was formed in 1990
and has since come to provide the principal mechanism for exchange
of ideas and information between academics and industrialists in 
the UK on all aspects of neural networks and their practical 
applications. NCAF organises four 2-day conferences each year, 
which are attended by well over 100 participants. It has its own 
international journal `Neural Computing and Applications' which is 
published quarterly by Springer-Verlag, and it produces a quarterly 
newsletter `Networks'.  

Annual membership rates (Pounds Stirling): 

  Company:     300
  Individual:  170
  Associate    110
  Student:      65

Membership includes free registration at all four annual 
conferences, a subscription to the journal `Neural Computing 
and Applications', and a subscription to `Networks'. 
Associate membership includes the journal and newsletter but does
not include admission to the conferences (for which a separate fee
must be paid) and is intended primarily for overseas members who
are unable to attend most of the conferences.

For further information: 
   Tel: +44 (0)784 477271
   Fax: +44 (0)784 472879

Chris M Bishop

(Chairman, NCAF)


  Professor Chris M Bishop           Tel. +44 (0)21 359 3611 x4270
  Neural Computing Research Group    Fax. +44 (0)21 333 6215
  Dept. of Computer Science          c.m.bishop at
  Aston University               
  Birmingham B4 7ET, UK


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