Paper announcement

David Wolpert dhw at
Thu Jun 15 18:01:35 EDT 1995



Some Results Concerning Off-Training-Set and IID Error for the Gibbs
and the Bayes Optimal Generalizers


David H. Wolpert, Emanuel Knill, Tal Grossman

Abstract: In this paper we analyze the average behavior of the
Bayes-optimal and Gibbs learning algorithms. We do this both for
off-training-set error and conventional IID error (for which test sets
overlap with training sets).  For the IID case we provide a major
extension to one of the better known results of \cite{haussler}.  We
also show that expected IID test set error is a non-increasing
function of training set size for either algorithm. On the other hand,
as we show, the expected off training-set error for both learning
algorithms can increase with training set size, for non-uniform
sampling distributions. We characterize what relationship the sampling
distribution must have with the prior for such an increase. We show in
particular that for uniform sampling distributions and either
algorithm, the expected off-training set error is a non-increasing
function of training set size. For uniform sampling distributions, we
also characterize the priors for which the expected error of the
Bayes-optimal algorithm stays constant. In addition we show that for
the Bayes-optimal algorithm, expected off-training-set error can
increase with training set size when the target function is fixed, but
if and only if the expected error averaged over all targets decreases
with training set size. Our results hold for arbitrary noise and
arbitrary loss functions.


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