Optimization special issue
Arun Jagota
jagota at next1.msci.memst.edu
Mon Jun 5 20:53:32 EDT 1995
CALL FOR PAPERS (please post)
Submission Deadline: 7 August 1995 **
JANN editor-in-chief: Omid M. Omidvar
Special issue editor: Arun Jagota
JANN is published by ABLEX
The aim of this special issue is to publish high-quality papers presenting
original research in the evolving topic of neural network algorithms for
optimization problems. Papers may be theoretical or applied in nature.
Applications of neural networks to optimization, rather than of optimization
to (learning in) neural networks, are prefered. Papers utilizing relevant
ideas from statistical physics, mathematical programming, or combinatorical
algorithms are welcome. Papers describing significant applications,
comparisons with conventional algorithms, or comparisons amongst neural
network algorithms are also welcome.
A Mean Field Annealing Network for the Traveling Salesman Problem
A New Energy Function for the Graph Bipartitioning Problem
Comparisons of the Hopfield and Elastic Nets
Solving N-queens: Neural Networks Versus Randomized Greedy Methods
FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS: Manuscripts may be FULL LENGTH or NOTE. Full length
manuscripts should range between eight (8) and sixteen (16) single column,
SINGLE spaced, 8.5 X 11 pages, in 11 pt, including figures, tables, and
references. Figures and tables should be formatted IN text, as they would
appear in print. Do not have a separate title page, rather the first page
of text should begin with the paper title, authors, affiliations, and an
abstract, limited to two hundred and fifty (250) words. Notes should range
between two (2) and seven (7) pages. Abstract should be limited to fifty
(50) words. Other than these, notes should be formatted the same way as
full length manuscripts.
** Apologies for the short notice. One reason for the submission deadline of
7 August 1995 is that the journal editor needs the final accepted papers
with him before the end of 1995. If all goes well, the special issue
will be out soon thereafter. If you can't make the August 7 deadline,
please contact me by email as soon as possible.
ELECTRONIC (much prefered): HARDCOPY
A SINGLE POSTSCRIPT file of Send THREE copies of
the manuscript, to the email the manuscript to the
address given below. Do not surface mail address
follow-up with hardcopy. supplied below.
All materials (figures etc)
should be absorbed into this
single file.
Whether submitting electronic or hardcopy, send a cover letter by e-mail,
containing the paper title, whether it is FULL LENGTH or NOTE, list
of authors, and the corresponding author's address, especially e-mail and
phone. (Correspondence with authors will be handled by email as much as
possible.) If submitting hardcopy, send the email letter in advance; no
hardcopy letter is needed. If submitting electronic, do not send the
cover letter in the same email message as the postscript file.
Arun Jagota
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Memphis
Memphis TN 38152 USA
Phone: 901 678-3071
E-mail: jagota at next1.msci.memst.edu
FINAL SUBMISSION: Authors of accepted papers might be asked to format final
versions in camera-ready format. The JANN formatting instructions would be
provided then. A JANN style file, for LaTeX users, will also be made
available. LaTeX style files save considerable time in reformatting.
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