Neural Processing Letters Vol.2 No.1
esann at
Sun Jun 4 10:45:06 EDT 1995
Neural Processing Letters: last two issues
You will find enclosed the table of contents of the March and May 1995
issues of "Neural Processing Letters" (Vol.2 No.2 & 3). The abstracts of
these papers are contained on the below mentioned FTP and WWW servers. We
also inform you that subscription to the journal is now possible by credit
card. All necessary information is contained on the following servers:
- FTP server:
directory: /pub/neural-nets/NPL
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If you have no access to these servers, or for any other information
(subscriptions, instructions for authors, free sample copies,...), please
don't hesitate to contact directly the publisher:
D facto publications
45 rue Masui
B-1210 Brussels
Phone: + 32 2 245 43 63
Fax: + 32 2 245 46 94
Neural Processing Letters, Vol.2, No.2, March 1995
- Asymptotic performances of a constructive algorithm
Florence d'Alche-Buc, Jean-Pierre Nadal
- A multilayer incremental neural network architecture for classification
Tamer Olmez, Ertugrul Yazgan, Okan K. Ersoy
- Fine-tuning Cascade-Correlation trained feedforward network with
Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen, Kimmo Kaski
- Determining initial weights of feedforward neural networks based on least
squares method
Y.F.Yam, T.W.S.Chow
- Post-processing of coded images by neural network cancellation of the
unmasked noise
M.Mattavelli, O.Bruyndonckx, S.Comes, B.Macq
- Neural learning of chaotic dynamics
Gustavo Deco, Bernd Schurmann
- Improving the Counterpropagation network performances
Alessandra Chiuderi
- Book review: Réseaux neuronaux et traitement du signal by Jeanny Hérault
and Christian Jutten. In French.
Patrick Thiran
Neural Processing Letters, Vol.2, No.3, May 1995
- Weighted Radial Basis Functions for improved pattern recognition and
signal processing
Leonardo M. Reyneri
- Analog weight adaptation hardware
A.J. Annema, H. Wallinga
- Adaptative time constants improve the prediction capability of recurrent
neural networks
Jean-Philippe Draye, Davor Pavisic, Guy Cheron, Gaetan Libert
- A general exploratory projection pursuit network
Colin Fyfe
- Improving the approximation and convergence capabilities of projection
pursuit learning
Tin-Yau Kwok, Dit-Yan Yeung
- Invariance in radial basis function neural networks in human face
A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton
D facto publications -
conference services
45 rue Masui
1210 Brussels
tel: +32 2 245 43 63
fax: +32 2 245 46 94
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