CNS*94 Conference Proceedings
jbower at
Tue Jul 25 12:54:43 EDT 1995
The Neurobiology of Computation
edited by
James M. Bower
CALTECH, Pasadena, CA, USA
The Neurobiology of Computation: The Proceedings of the
Third Annual Computation and Neural Systems Conference
contains the collected papers of the Conference on Computational
Neuroscience, July 21--23, 1994, Monterey, California. These papers
represent a cross-section of current research in computational
neuroscience. While the majority of papers describe analysis and
modeling efforts, other papers describe the results of new biological
experiments explicitly placed in the context of computational theories
and ideas. Subjects range from an analysis of subcellular processes,
to single neurons, networks, behavior, and cognition. In addition,
several papers describe new technical developments of use to
computational neuroscientists.
Section 1: Subcellular.
Section 2: Cellular.
Section 3: Network.
Section 4: Systems.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Date of publishing: July 1995
464 pp.
ISBN: 0-7923-9543-3
NLG: 300.00
USD: 180.00
GBP: 122.50
Author: James M. Bower
Title: The Neurobiology of Computation
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NLG: 300.00 USD: 180.00 GBP: 122.50
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