"Orthogonality" of the generalizers being combined

Pascal Koiran koiran at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Jul 16 22:12:52 EDT 1995

Regarding this whole thread on "combinining generalizers", I am surprised
that no one has ever mentioned the extensive work on "expert advice"
in computational learning theory.
Is this is simply by ignorance, or is there a more subtle reason ?

As suggested by the list moderators, here are the names of a few people
who have done relevant work : Cesa-bianchi, Freund, Haussler, Helmbold, 
Kivinen, Littlestone, Schapire. 
The seminal paper in the expert advice / on-line learning line of research
seems to be:

N. Littlestone (1988) Learning quickly when irrevelant attributes abound:
a new linear-threshold algorithm. Machine Learning 2, 285-318.

I am by no means an expert (no pun intended) in this area, 
so if you feel that your name was unfairly ommited from this
list, I beg your forgiveness.

Pascal Koiran.

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