JOB, Neural Computing, Signal Processing, medical Applications niranjan at
Tue Jul 11 10:54:49 EDT 1995

	Cambridge University Engineering Department

	Research Assistantship in Neural Computing

Applications are invited for a Research Assistant position in
the area of Neural Computing applied to Nonstationary Medical
Signal Processing in the monitoring of liver transplant patients.
The project is funded by the EPSRC and is for 33 months, starting
October 1995.

Candidates for this post are expected to have a good first degree
and preferably a postgraduate degree in a relevant discipline. Salary
will be in the RA/1A scale, currently in the range #14,317 to #21,519 p.a.

Application forms and further particulars may be obtained from
Rachael West, Cambridge University Engineering Department, Trumpington
Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, England. Phone: 44 1223 332739 ,
FaX: 44 1223 332662, Email: rw at

Closing date for applications is 31 July 1995. Short listed
applications are expected to be interviewed on 7 August 1995.
Informal inquiries about the project to niranjan at


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