3rd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks: programme & registration

esann@dice.ucl.ac.be esann at dice.ucl.ac.be
Tue Feb 14 11:35:15 EST 1995

      * 3rd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks *
      *                                                      *
      *         What's new in fundamental research?          *
      *                                                      *
      *           Brussels - April 19-20-21, 1995            *
      *                                                      *
      *                 Preliminary Program                  *
      *                                                      *

This e-mail contains all information concerning the 3rd European
Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, to be held in Brussels,
on 19-20-21 April, 1995:
 - general information about the conference
 - the full programme
 - the committees
 - practical information
 - how to register

The field of Artificial Neural Networks includes a lot of different
disciplines, from mathematics and statistics to robotics and electronics.
For this reason, actual studies concern various aspects of the field,
sometimes to the detriment of strong, well established foundations for
these researches; it is obvious that a better knowledge of the basic
aspects of neurocomputing, and more effective comparisons with other
computing methods are strongly necessary for a profitable long-term use of
neural networks in applications.

The purpose of the ESANN series of conferences is to present the latest
results in the fundamental aspects of artificial neural networks.  The
third European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks will be organized in
Brussels, on 19-21 April 1995.  It will cover most of the main theoretical,
mathematical and fundamental new developments of the field: learning,
models, approximation of functions, classification, control, signal
processing, biology, self-organisation and many other topics will be
treated during the conference.  ESANN'95 is coupled with the 'Neurap'95'
conference (Marseilles, France, December 1995), which will present the
appplications of neural network methods.

The program committee of ESANN'95 received 112 submissions of
communications; 53 were selected for presentation during the symposium, and
will be included in the proceedings.  This severe selection guarantees the
high quality of the selected papers.  Besides these presentations, four
invited speakers (David Stork, Hans-Peter Mallot, Pierre Comon and
Christian Jutten) will present the state-of-the-art and the recent
developments in some particular aspects of the topics covered by the

The steering and program committees of ESANN'95 are pleased to invite you
to participate to this symposium.  More than a formal conference presenting
the last developments in the field, ESANN'95 will be also a forum for open
discussions, round tables and opportunities for future collaborations.  We
hope to have the pleasure to meet you in April, in the splendid town of
Brussels, and that your stay in Belgium will be as scientifically
beneficial as agreeable.

   - Programme of the conference -

Wednesday 19th April 1995

8H30    Registration

9H00    Opening session

Session 1: Self-organisation
Chairman: F. Blayo (Univ. Paris I, France)

9H10    "Self-organisation, metastable states and the ODE method in
        the Kohonen neural network"
        J.A. Flanagan, M. Hasler
        E.P.F. Lausanne (Switzerland)

9H30    "About the Kohonen algorithm: strong or weak
        J.-C. Fort*, G. Pages**
        *Univ. Nancy I & Univ. Paris I (France),
        **Univ. Paris 6 & Univ. Paris 12 (France)

9H50    "Topological interpolation in SOM by affine transformations"
        J. Goppert, W. Rosenstiel
        Univ. Tuebingen (Germany)

10H10   "Dynamic Neural Clustering"
        K. Moscinska
        Silesian Tech. Univ. (Poland)

10H30   "Multiple correspondence analysis of a crosstabulations
        matrix using the Kohonen algorithm"
        S. Ibbou, M. Cottrell
        Univ. Paris I (France)

10H50   Coffee break

Session 2: Models 1
Chairman: J. Stonham (Brunel Univ., United Kingdom)

11H10   "Identification of the human arm kinetics using dynamic
        recurrent neural networks"
        J.-P. Draye*, G. Cheron**, M. Bourgeois**, D. Pavisic*,
        G. Libert*
        *Fac. Polytech. de Mons (Belgium), **Univ. Brussels (Belgium)

11H30   "Simplified cascade-correlation learning"
        M. Lehtokangas, J. Saarinen, K. Kaski
        Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland)

11H50   "Active noise control with dynamic recurrent neural networks"
        D. Pavisic, L. Blondel, J.-P. Draye, G. Libert, P. Chapelle
        Fac. Polytech. de Mons (Belgium)

12H10   "Cascade learning for FIR-TDNNs"
        M. Diepenhorst, J.A.G. Nijhuis, L. Spaanenburg
        Rijksuniv. Groningen (The Netherlands)

12H30 Lunch

14H00   Invited paper:
        D. Stork (Ricoh California Research Center), A. Sperduti
        (Univ. di Pisa)
        "Recent developments in transformation-invariant pattern

Session 3: Signal processing and chaos
Chairman: M. Hasler (E.P.F. Lausanne, Switzerland)

14H45   "Adaptive signal processing with unidirectional Hebbian
        adaptation laws"
        J. Dehaene, J. Vandewalle
        Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium)

15H05   "MAP decomposition of a mixture of AR signal using multilayer
        C. Couvreur
        Fac. Polytech. de Mons (Belgium)

15H25   "XOR and backpropagation learning: in and out of the chaos?"
        K. Bertels*, L. Neuberg*, S. Vassiliadis**, G. Pechanek***
        *Fac. Univ. N.-D. de la Paix (Belgium), **T.U. Delft (The
        Netherlands), ***IBM Microelectronics Div. (USA)

15H45   "Analog Brownian weight movement for learning of artificial
        neural networks"
        M.R. Belli, M. Conti, C. Turchetti
        Univ. of Ancona (Italy)

16H05   Coffee break

Session 4: Biological models
Chairman: H.P. Mallot (Max-Planck Institut, Germany)

16H30   "Spatial summation in simple cells: computational and
        experimental results"
        F. Worgotter*, E. Nelle*, B. Li**, L. Wang**, Y.-C. Diao**
        *Ruhr Univ. Bochum (Germany), **Academia Sinica (China)

16H50   "Activity-dependent neurite outgrowth in a simple network
        model including excitation and inhibition"
        C. van Oss, A. van Ooyen
        Neth. Inst. for Brain Research (The Netherlands)

17H10   "Predicting spike train responses of neuron models"
        S. Joeken, H. Schwegler
        Univ. of Bremen (Germany)

17H30   "A distribution-based model of the dynamics of neural
        networks in the cerebral cortex"
        A. Terao*, M. Akamatsu*, J. Seal**
        *Nat. Inst. of Bioscience and Human Technology (Japan),
        **CNRS Marseilles (France)

17H50   "Some new results on the coding of pheromone intensity in an
        olfactory sensory neuron"
        A. Vermeulen*,**, J.-P. Rospars*, P. Lansky***,*, H.C.
        *INRA (France), **I.N.P. Grenoble (France), ***Acad. of
        Sciences (Czech Republic), ****Australian Nat. Univ.

Thursday 20th April 1995

Session 5: Special session on the Elena-Nerves2 ESPRIT Basic
           Research project
Chairman: M. Cottrell (Univ. Paris I, France)

9H00    Invited paper:
        P. Comon (Thomson-Sintra, France)
        "Supervised classification: a probabilistic approach"

9H30    Invited paper:
        C. Jutten, O. Fambon (Inst. Nat. Pol. Grenoble, France)
        "Pruning methods: a review"

10H00   "A deterministic method for establishing the initial
        conditions in the RCE algorithm"
        J.M. Moreno, F.X. Vazquez, F. Castillo, J. Madrenas,
        J. Cabestany
        Univ. Politecnica Catalunya (Spain)

10H20   "Pruning kernel density estimators"
        O. Fambon, C. Jutten
        Inst. Nat. Pol. Grenoble (France)

10H40   "Suboptimal Bayesian classification by vector quantization
        with small clusters"
        J.L. Voz, M. Verleysen, P. Thissen, J.D. Legat
        Univ. Cat. Louvain (Belgium)

11H00   Coffee break

Session 6: Theory of learning systems
Chairman: C. Touzet (IUSPIM Marseilles, France)

11H20   "Knowledge and generalisation in simple learning systems"
        D. Barber, D. Saad
        University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)

11H40   "Control of complexity in learning with perturbed inputs"
        Y. Grandvalet*, S. Canu*, S. Boucheron**
        *Univ. Tech. de Compiegne (France),
        **Univ. Paris-Sud (France)

12H00   "An episodic knowledge base for object understanding"
        U.-D. Braumann, H.-J. Boehme, H.-M. Gross
        Tech. Univ. Ilmenau (Germany)

12H20   "Neurosymbolic integration: unified versus hybrid approaches"
        M. Hilario*, Y. Lallement**, F. Alexandre**
        *Univ. Geneve (Switzerland), **INRIA (France)

12H40   Lunch

Session 7:  Biological vision
Chairman: J. Herault (Inst. Nat Polyt. Grenoble, France)

14H00   "Improving object recognition by using a visual latency
        R. Opara, F. Worgorter
        Ruhr Univ. Bochum (Germany)

14H20   "On the function of the retinal bipolar cell in early vision"
        S. Ohshima, T. Yagi, Y. Funahashi
        Nagoya Inst. of Technology (Japan)

14H40   "Sustained and transient amacrine cell circuits underlying
        the receptive fields of ganglion cells in the vertebrate
        G. Maguire
        Univ. of Texas (USA)

15H00   "Latency-reduction in antagonistic visual channels as the
        result of corticofugal feedback"
        J. Kohn, F. Worgotter
        Ruhr Univ. Bochum (Germany)

15H20   Coffee break

Session 8: Models 2
Chairman: V. Kurkova (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)

15H40   "On threshold circuit depth"
        A. Albrecht
        BerCom GmbH (Germany)

16H00   "Minimum entropy queries for linear students learning
        nonlinear rules"
        P. Sollich
        Univ. of Edinburg (United Kingdom)

16H20   "An asymmetric associative memory model based on relaxation
        labeling processes"
        M. Pelillo, A.M. Fanelli
        Univ. di Bari (Italy)

16H40   "Invariant measure for an infinite neural network "
        T.S. Turova
        Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium)

17H00   "Growing adaptive neural networks with graph grammars"
        S.M. Lucas
        Univ. of Essex (United Kingdom)

17H20   "Constructing feed-forward neural networks for binary
        classification tasks"
        C. Campbell*, C. Perez Vincente**
        *Bristol Univ. (United Kingdom), **Univ. Barcelona (Spain)

20H00 Conference dinner

 Friday 21th April 1995

Session 9: Classification and control
Chairman: M. Grana (UPV San Sebastian, Spain)

9H00    "Improvement of EEG classification with a subject-specific
        feature selection"
        M. Pregenzer, G. Pfurtscheller, C. Andrew
        Graz Univ. of Technology (Austria)

9H20    "Neural networks for invariant pattern recognition"
        J. Wood, J. Shawe-Taylor
        Univ. of London (United Kingdom)

9H40    "Derivation of a new criterion function based on an
        information measure for improving piecewise linear separation
        incremental algorithms"
        J. Cuguero, J. Madrenas, J.M. Moreno, J. Cabestany
        Univ. Politecnica Catalunya (Spain)

10H00   "Neural network based one-step ahead control and its
        Y. Tan, A.R. Van Cauwenberghe
        Univ. of Gent (Belgium)

10H20   "NLq theory: unifications in the theory of neural networks,
        systems and control"
        J. Suykens, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle
        Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium)

10H40   Coffee break

11H00   Invited paper:
        H.P. Mallot (Max-Planck-Institut, Germany)
        "Learning of cognitive maps from sequences of views"

Session 10: Radial-basis functions
Chairman: G. Pages (Univ. Paris VI, France)

11H45   "Trimming the inputs of RBF networks"
        C. Andrew*, M. Kubat**, G. Pfurtscheller*
        *Graz Univ. Tech. (Austria), **Johannes Kepler Univ.

12H05   "Learning the appropriate representation paradigm by circular
        processing units"
        S. Ridella, S. Rovetta, R. Zunino
        Univ. of Genoa (Italy)

12H25   "Radial basis functions in the Fourier domain"
        M. Orr
        Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)

12H45   Lunch

Session 11: Function approximation
Chairman: J. Vandewalle (Kat. Univ. Leuven, Belgium)

14H00   "Function approximation by localized basis function neural
        M. Kokol, I. Grabec
        Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

14H20   "Functional approximation by perceptrons: a new approach"
        J.-G. Attali*, G. Pages**
        *Univ. Paris I (France), **Univ. Paris 6 & Univ. Paris 12

14H40   "Approximation of functions by Gaussian RBF networks with
        bouded number of hidden units"
        V. Kurkova
        Acad. of Sciences (Czech Republic)

15H00   "Neural network piecewise linear preprocessing for
        time-series prediction"
        T.W.S. Chow, C.T. Leung
        City Univ. (Hong-Kong)

15H20   "An upper estimate of the error of approximation of
        continuous multivariable functions by KBF networks"
        K. Hlavackova
        Acad. of Sciences (Czech Republic)

15H40   Coffee break

Session 12: Multi-layer perceptrons
Chairman: W. Duch (Nicholas Copernicus Univ., Poland)

16H00   "Multi-sigmoidal units and neural networks"
        J.A. Drakopoulos
        Stanford Univ. (USA)

16H20   "Performance analysis of a MLP weight initialization
        M. Karouia, R. Lengelle, T. Denoeux
        Univ. Compiegne (France)

16H40   "Alternative output representation schemes affect learning
        and generalization of back-propagation ANNs; a decision
        support application"
        P.K. Psomas, G.D. Hilakos, C.F. Christoyannis, N.K. Uzunoglu
        Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens (Greece)

17H00   "A new training algorithm for feedforward neural networks"
        B.K. Verma, J.J. Mulawka
        Warsaw Univ. of Technology (Poland)

17H20   "An evolutive architecture coupled with optimal perceptron
        learning for classification"
        J.-M. Torres Moreno, P. Peretto, M. B. Gordon
        C.E.N. Grenoble (France)

   - Committees -

Steering committee

 Francois Blayo          Univ. Paris I (F)
 Marie Cottrell          Univ. Paris I (F)
 Nicolas Franceschini    CNRS Marseille (F)
 Jeanny Herault          INPG Grenoble (F)
 Michel Verleysen        UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)

Scientific committee

 Agnes Babloyantz        Univ. Libre Bruxelles (Belgium)
 Herve Bourlard          ICSI Berkeley (USA)
 Joan Cabestany          Univ. Polit. de Catalunya (E)
 Dave Cliff              University of Sussex (UK)
 Holk Cruse              Universitat Bielefeld (D)
 Dante Del Corso         Politecnico di Torino (I)
 Wlodek Duch             Nicholas Copernicus Univ. (PL)
 Marc Duranton           Philips / LEP (F)
 Jean-Claude Fort        Universite Nancy I (F)
 Bernd Fritzke           Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (D)
 Karl Goser              Universitat Dortmund (D)
 Manuel Grana            UPV San Sebastian (E)
 Martin Hasler           EPFL Lausanne (CH)
 Kurt Hornik             Techische Univ. Wien (A)
 Christian Jutten        INPG Grenoble (F)
 Vera Kurkova            Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
 Petr Lansky             Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
 Jean-Didier Legat       UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
 Hans-Peter Mallot       Max-Planck Institut (D)
 Eddy Mayoraz            RUTCOR (USA)
 Jean Arcady Meyer       Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
 Jose Mira-Mira          UNED (E)
 Pietro Morasso          Univ. of Genoa (I)
 Jean-Pierre Nadal       Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
 Erkki Oja               Helsinky University of Technology (FIN)
 Gilles Pages            Universite Paris VI (F)
 Helene Paugam-Moisy     Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon (F)
 Alberto Prieto          Universitad de Granada (E)
 Pierre Puget            LETI Grenoble (F)
 Ronan Reilly            University College Dublin (IRE)
 Tamas Roska             Hungarian Academy of Science (H)
 Jean-Pierre Rospars     INRA Versailles (F)
 Jean-Pierre Royet       Universite Lyon 1 (F)
 John Stonham            Brunel University (UK)
 John Taylor             King's College London (UK)
 Vincent Torre           Universita di Genova (I)
 Claude Touzet           IUSPIM Marseilles (F)
 Joos Vandewalle         KUL Leuven (B)
 Marc Van Hulle          KUL Leuven (B)
 Christian Wellekens     Eurecom Sophia-Antipolis (F)

   - Support -

ESANN'95 is organized with the support of:
- Commission of the European Communities (DG XII, Human Capital and
  Mobility programme)
- Region of Brussels-Capital
- IEEE Region 8
- UCL (Universite Catholique de Louvain - Louvain-la-Neuve)
- REGARDS (Research Group on Algorithmic, Related Devices and Systems

   - Conference information -

Registration fees for symposium

              registration before  registration after
              17th March 1995      17th March 1995
Universities      BEF 15000            BEF 16000
Industries        BEF 19000            BEF 20000

Registration fees include attendance to all sessions, the ESANN'95 banquet,
a copy of the conference proceedings, daily lunches (19-21 April '95), and
coffee breaks twice a day during the symposium.

Advance registration is mandatory.

Advance payments (see registration form) must be made to the conference
secretariat by bank transfer on a Belgian bank (free of charges), by bank
transfer from a bank abroad account (add BEF 500 for processing fees) or by
sending a cheque (add BEF 500 for processing fees).  Bank transfers and
cheques must be made out in Belgian francs.


The official language of the conference is English.  It will be used for
all printed material, presentations and discussions.


A copy of the proceedings will be provided to all conference registrants.
All technical papers will be included in the proceedings.
Additional copies of the proceedings (ESANN'93, ESANN'94 and ESANN'95) may
be purchased at the following rates:
ESANN'95 proceedings:  BEF 2000
ESANN'94 proceedings:  BEF 2000
ESANN'93 proceedings:  BEF 1500.
Add BEF 500 to any single or multiple order for p.&p. and bank charges.
Please write to the conference secretariat to order proceedings.

Conference dinner

A banquet will be offered on Thursday 20th to all conference registrants in
a famous and typical place of Brussels.  Additional vouchers for the
banquet may be purchased on Wednesday 19th at the conference.


If cancellation is received by 24th March 1995, 50% of the registration
fees will be returned.  Cancellation received after this date will not be
entitled to any refund.

   - General information -

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels is not only the host city of the European Commission and of
hundreds of multinational companies; it is also a marvelous historical
town, with typical quarters, famous monuments known throughout the world,
and the splendid "Grand-Place".  It is a cultural and artistic center, with
numerous museums.  Night life in Brussels is considerable.  There are of
lot of restaurants and pubs open late in the night, where typical Belgian
dishes can be tasted with one of the more than 1000 different beers.

Hotel accommodation

Special rates for participants to ESANN'95 have been arranged at the
MAYFAIR HOTEL (4 stars), and at the FORUM HOTEL (3 stars).

The Mayfair Hotel is tastefully decorated to the highest standards of
luxury and comfort.  It includes two restaurants, a bar and a private
parking.  Located on the elegant Avenue Louise, the exclusive Hotel Mayfair
is a short walk from the "uppertown" luxurious shopping district.  Also
nearby is the 14th century Cistercian abbey and the magnificent "Bois de la
Cambre" park.
        Single room                             BEF 3300
        Double room or twin room                BEF 4000
 HOTEL MAYFAIR                   phone: +32 2 649 98 00
 381 av. Louise                  fax: +32 2 649 22 49
 1050 Brussels - Belgium

The Forum Hotel is situated in the heart of a "Art Nouveau" quiet,
residential and historical area.  It includes a bar, a Tuscan restaurant
and a private parking.
        Single room                             BEF 2200
        Double room or twin room                BEF 2700
 FORUM HOTEL                     phone: + 32 2 343 01 00
 2 av. du Haut-Pont              fax: + 32 2 347 00 54
 1060 Brussels - Belgium

Prices for both hotels include breakfast, taxes and service.  Rooms can
only be confirmed upon receipt of booking form (see at the end of this
booklet) and deposit.  Rooms must be booked before 31 March 1995.  Public
transportation goes directly from the hotels (trams No. 93 & 94 for Mayfair
hotel and tram No. 92 from the Forum hotel) to the conference center
("Parc" stop)

Conference location

The conference will be held at the "Chancellerie" of the Generale de
Banque.  A map is included at the end of this booklet.
Generale de Banque - Chancellerie
1 rue de la Chancellerie
1000 Brussels - Belgium

Conference secretariat

D facto conference services     phone: + 32 2 245 43 63
45 rue Masui                    fax: + 32 2 245 46 94
B-1210 Brussels - Belgium       E-mail: esann at dice.ucl.ac.be

   - ESANN'95 Registration and Hotel Booking Form -

Ms., Mr., Dr., Prof.: ............................................
Name: ............................................................
first Name: ......................................................
Institution: .....................................................
Address: .........................................................
ZIP: .............................................................
Town: ............................................................
Country: .........................................................
Tel: .............................................................
fax: .............................................................
E-mail: ..........................................................
VAT No.: ..........................................................

Registration fees
                registration before     registration after
                17th March 1995         17th March 1995
Universities    BEF 15000               BEF 16000
Industries      BEF 19000               BEF 20000

University fees are applicable to members and students of academic and
teaching institutions.

Each registration will be confirmed by an acknowledgment of receipt, which
must be given to the registration desk of the conference to get entry
badge, proceedings and all materials.

Registration fees include attendance to all sessions, the ESANN'95 banquet,
a copy of the conference proceedings, daily lunches (19-21 April '95), and
coffee breaks twice a day during the symposium.

Advance registration is mandatory.

Hotel booking

Hotel MAYFAIR (4 stars) - 381 av. Louise - 1050 Brussels
Single room :                   BEF 3300
Double room (large bed) :       BEF 4000
Twin room (2 beds) :            BEF 4000

Hôtel FORUM (3 stars) - 2 av. du Haut-Pont - 1060 Brussels
Single room :                   BEF 2200
Double room (large bed) :       BEF 2700
Twin room (2 beds) :            BEF 2700

Prices include breakfast, service and taxes.  A deposit corresponding to
the first night is mandatory.

Please tick appropriate:

Registration form to ESANN'95
O   registration before 17th March 1995:                  BEF 15000
O   registration after 17th March 1995:                   BEF 16000
O   registration before 17th March 1995:                  BEF 19000
O   registration after 17th March 1995:                   BEF 20000

Hotel Mayfair booking
O   single room                                  deposit: BEF 3300
O   double room (large bed)                      deposit: BEF 4000
O   twin room (twin beds)                        deposit: BEF 4000
Hotel Forum booking
O   single room                                  deposit: BEF 2200
O   double room (large bed)                      deposit: BEF 2700
O   twin room (twin beds)                        deposit: BEF 2700
Hotels must be booked bafore 31 March 1995; no guaranty of disponibility
can be given after this date.

Arrival date:           ..../..../1995
Departure date:         ..../..../1995

O   Additional payment if fees are paid
       through a bank abroad cheque or by a
       bank transfer from a bank abroad account:           BEF 500

Total                                                     BEF ____

Payment (please tick):
O   Bank transfer, stating name of participant, made payable to:
                Generale de Banque
                ch. de Waterloo 1341 A
                B-1180 Brussels - Belgium
                Acc.no: 210-0468648-93 of D facto (45 rue
                        Masui, B-1210 Brussels)
        A supplementary fee of BEF 500 must be added if
        the payment is made from a bank abroad account.
O   Cheques/Postal Money Orders made payable to:
                D facto
                45 rue Masui
                B-1210 Brussels - Belgium
        A supplementary fee of BEF 500 must be added if
        the payment is made through a bank abroad
        cheque or postal money order.

Only registrations accompanied by a cheque, a postal money order or the
proof of bank transfer will be considered.

Registration and hotel booking form, together with payment, must be sent as
soon as possible, and in no case later than 7th April 1995, to the
conference secretariat:

D facto conference services - ESANN'95
45, rue Masui - B-1210 Brussels - Belgium

D facto publications -
        conference services
45 rue Masui
1210 Brussels
tel: +32 2 245 43 63
fax: +32 2 245 46 94

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