doctoral thesis on automatic structuring available by ftp
Uli Bodenhausen
uli at
Fri Feb 10 11:10:18 EST 1995
The following doctoral thesis is available by ftp.
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FTP-file: pub/neuroprose/Thesis/bodenhausen.thesis.Z
Automatic Structuring of Neural Networks for
Spatio-Temporal Real-World Applications
(153 pages)
Ulrich Bodenhausen
Doctoral Thesis
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
The successful application of speech recognition (SR) and on-line
handwriting recognition (OLHR) systems to new domains greatly depend
on the tuning of a recognizer's architecture to a new task. Architectural
tuning is especially important if the amount of training data is small
because the amount of training data limits the number of trainable
parameters that can be estimated properly using an automatic learning
algorithm. The number of trainable parameters of a connectionist SR
or OLHR is dependent on architectural parameters like the width of
input windows over time, the number of hidden units and the number of
state units. Each of these architectural parameters provides different
functionality in the system and can not be optimized independently.
Manual optimization of these architectural parameters is time-consuming
and expensive. Automatic optimization algorithms can free the developer
of SR and OLHR applications from this task.
In this thesis I develop and evaluate novel methods that allocate
connectionist resources for spatio-temporal classification problems
automatically. The methods are evaluated under the following evaluation
- Suitability for small systems (~ 1,000 parameters) as well as for large
systems (more than 10,000 parameters): Is the proposed method efficient
for various sizes of the system?
- Ease of use for non-expert users: How much knowledge is necessary to
adapt the system to a customized application?
- Final performance: Can the automatically optimized system compete with
state-of-the-art well engineered systems?
Several algorithms were developed and evaluated in this thesis. The
Automatic Structure Optimization (ASO) algorithm performed best under the
above criteria. ASO automatically optimizes
- the width of the input windows over time which allow the following unit
of the neural network to capture a certain amount of temporal context of
the input signal;
- the number of hidden units which allow the neural network to learn
non-linear classification boundaries;
- the number of states that are used to model segments of the spatio-
temporal input, such as acoustic segments of speech or strokes of
on-line handwriting.
The ASO algorithm uses a constructive approach to find the best
architecture. Training starts with a neural network of minimum size.
Resources are added to specifically improve parts of the network which
are involved in classification errors. ASO was developed on the recognition
of spoken letters and improved the performance on an independent test set
from 88.0% to 92.2% over a manually tuned architecture. The performances
of architectures found by ASO for different domains and databases are also
compared to architectures optimized manually by other researchers. For
example, ASO improved the performance on on-line handwritten digits from
98.5% to 99.5% over a manually optimized architecture. It is also shown
that ASO can successfully adapt to different sizes of the training database
and that it can be applied to the recognition of connected spoken letters.
The ASO algorithm is applicable to all classification problems with
spatio-temporal input. It was tested on speech and on-line handwriting,
as two instances of such tasks. The approach is new, requires no domain
specific knowledge by the user and is efficient. It is shown for the
first time that fully automatic tuning of all relevant architectural
parameters of speech and on-line handwriting recognizers (window widths,
number of hidden units and states) to the domain and the available
amount of training data is actually possible with the ASO algorithm
automatic tuning by ASO is efficient, both in terms of computational
effort and final performance.
Instructions for ftp retrieval of this paper are given below. Our university
requires that the title page is in German. The rest of the thesis is English.
unix> ftp (or
Name: anonymous
Password: <your e-mail address>
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose/Thesis
ftp> binary
ftp> get bodenhausen.thesis.Z
ftp> quit
unix> uncompress bodenhausen.thesis.Z
Thanks to Jordan Pollack for maintaining this archive.
Uli Bodenhausen
Uli Bodenhausen
University of Karlsruhe
uli at
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