ROBOCALL N.Sharkey at
Fri Feb 3 05:02:42 EST 1995

	*			ROBOCALL			*
	*							*
	* 	   Special Robotics Track of EANN'95            *
	*							*
	*	1 page abstract due by 16th February, 1995	*
        *                                                       *

Sorry about the late announcement it keeps bouncing.

We will consider any papers relevant to the use of Neural Computing to 
Robotics. email abstracts to Jill at

Organiser: Noel Sharkey    
N.Sharkey at


Michael Arbib (USA)
Valentino Braitenberg (Germany)
Georg Dorfner (Austria)
John Hallam (Scotland)
Ali Zalzala (England)


International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural
Networks (EANN '95)

Helsinki, Finland
August 21-23, 1995

Final Call for Papers 

The conference is a forum for  presenting the latest results on neural
network  applications in technical fields. The  applications may be in
any engineering or   technical  field, including  but not  limited  to
systems   engineering,   mechanical  engineering,  robotics,   process
engineering,   metallurgy, pulp   and  paper  technology, aeronautical
engineering, computer  science,  machine  vision, chemistry,  chemical
engineering, physics,   electrical engineering,    electronics,  civil
engineering, geophysical sciences, biotechnology, food engineering and
environmental engineering.

Abstracts  of   one  page   (200 to 400   words)   should  be sent  to
eann95 at by  *31 January 1995*,   by   e-mail  in PostScript
format, or in  TeX or LaTeX. Plain ASCII  is also acceptable.   Please
mention two to four keywords, and whether you prefer  it to be a short
paper or a full paper.   The short papers will be  4 pages in  length,
and full   papers may be  upto  8 pages. Tutorial proposals   are also
welcome until 31 January 1995. Notification of acceptance will be sent
around 1 March. The  number of full papers  will be very limited.  You
will receive a submission  number for each  abstract you send. If  you
haven't received one, please ask for it.

Special tracks  have been  set   up for applications in  robotics  (N.
Sharkey, n.sharkey at, control applications (E.  Tulunay,
ersin_tulunay at,         biotechnology/food     engineering
applications (P.  Linko),  and mineral   and metal  industry  (J.  van
Deventer, jsjvd at  You  can  submit abstracts  to the
special  tracks      straight to      their  coordinators    or     to
eann95 at

Local program committee 

A. Bulsari    J. Heikkonen (Italy)   E. Hyv\"onen 
P. Linko      L. Nystr\"om           S. Palosaari 
H. Sax\'en    M. Syrj\"anen          J. Sepp\"anen 
A. Visa 

International program committee

G. Dorffner (Austria)  
A. da Silva (Brazil)  
V. Sgurev (Bulgaria) 
M. Thompson (Canada)  
B.-Z. Chen (China)  
V. Kurkova (Czechia) 
S. Dutta (France)  
D. Pearson (France)  
G. Baier (Germany) 
C. M. Lee (Hong Kong)  
J. Fodor (Hungary)  
L. M. Patnaik (India) 
H. Siegelmann (Israel)  
R. Baratti (Italy)  
R. Serra (Italy) 
I. Kawakami (Japan)  
C. Kuroda (Japan)  
H. Zhang (Japan) 
J. K. Lee (Korea)  
J. Kok (Netherlands)  
J. Paredis (Netherlands) 
W. Duch (Poland)  
R. Tadeusiewicz (Poland)  
B. Ribeiro (Portugal) 
W. L. Dunin-Barkowski (Russia)  
V. Stefanuk (Russia)  
E. Pupyrev (Russia) 
S. Tan (Singapore)  
V. Kvasnicka (Slovakia)  
A. Dobnikar (Slovenia) 
J. van Deventer (South Africa)  
B. Martinez (Spain)  
H. Liljenstr\"om (Sweden) 
G. Sj\"odin (Sweden)  
J. Sj\"oberg (Sweden)  
E. Tulunay (Turkey) 
N. Sharkey (UK)  
D. Tsaptsinos (UK)  
N. Steele (UK) 
S. Shekhar (USA)  
J. Savkovic-Stevanovic 


                    International Conference on
              Engineering Applications of Neural Networks

                            (EANN '95)

                     Registration information

The registration fee is  FIM 2000 until  15 March, after which it will
be   FIM 2400.   A discount  of   upto 40  % will   be  given to  some
participants from East Europe and developing countries. Those who wish
to avail of this  discount need to apply  for it. The application form
can be sent by e-mail.

The papers may not be included  in the proceedings if the registration
fee is not received before 15  April, or if the  paper does not follow
the specified  format. If your registration  fee is received before 15
February, you are  entitled to attend  one tutorial for free.  The fee
for  each tutorial  will  be FIM  200,  to  be  paid  in cash  at  the
conference site. No decisions have yet been made about which tutorials
will be presented, since  tutorial  proposals  can  be sent  until  31

The registration  fee should be paid  to ``EANN 95'', the bank account
SYP (Union Bank of Finland) 220518-125251  Turku, Finland through bank
transfer or you could send us a bank  draft payable to ``EANN 95''. If
it is difficult to  get a bank  draft  in Finnish currency, you  could
send a  bank cheque or a  draft of GBP 280  (sterling pounds) until 15
March, or GBP 335 after 15 March. If you need to send it in some other
way, please  ask. The postal address  for  sending the bank  drafts or
bank cheques is EANN '95/SEA, Post box 34, 20111 Turku 11, Finland.

Registration form can be sent by e-mail.


If you are from East Europe or a developing  country and would like to
apply for a  discount, please send the application  first, or with the
registration form.  If you get the   discount and if you  have already
paid a larger amount, the  difference will be refunded  in cash at the
conference site.

-------------------------------------------------------CUT HERE-------

                         Registration form


Affiliation (university/company/organisation)

E-mail address




Have you submitted one or more abstracts ? Y/N

Registration fee sent              FIM/GBP

by bank transfer / bank draft / other (please specify)

Any special requirements ?

Date registration fee sent

Date registration form sent


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