Faculty position is Cognitive Neuroscience Univ. of Pittsburgh

WALTSCH@vms.cis.pitt.edu WALTSCH at vms.cis.pitt.edu
Thu Dec 7 22:27:49 EST 1995

********Faculty Opening in Cognitive Neuroscience*************

The Department of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh seeks a 
faculty member at the assistant professor level who studies human cognitive
neuroscience. The faculty member must have a strong empirical background and a
program of research that brings together neuroscience and behavioral 
techniques and an interest graduate and undergraduate teaching in this 
area. Candidates are likely to become affiliated with Center for 
the Neural Basis of Cognition between the University of Pittsburgh and 
Carnegie Mellon University. For additional information, 
see WWW httyp://neurocog.lrdc.pitt.edu/search 

   Applications should be sent to:
       Cognitive Neuroscience Search
       455 Langley Hal
       Psychology Department 
       University of Pittsburgh
       PGH PA 15260. 

       Applications should include:
           1. a statement of research and teaching interest 
           2. a CV 
           3. copies of selected publications 
           4. three letters of reference.

Initial consideration will begin January 15, 1996, though applications
arriving after that date may be considered. 

The University of Pittsburgh is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 
Employer. Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply. 

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