3rd SNN Neural Network Symposium
Wim Wiegerinck
wimw at mbfys.kun.nl
Thu Apr 27 06:16:19 EDT 1995
3rd SNN Neural Network Symposium
September 14-15, 1995 Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Call for Papers
Deadline 21 May 1995
On september 14 and 15 SNN will organize its annual Symposium on
Neural Networks in the University Auditorium and Conference Centre of the
University of Nijmegen.
The topic of the conference is "Neural Networks and Artificial
Intelligence". The term "Artificial Intelligence" is often associated with
"traditional AI" methodology. Here it used in its literal sense,
indicating the problem to create intelligence by artificial means,
regardless of the method that is being used.
The aim of the conference is two-fold: to give an overview of
new developments in neuro-biology and the cognitive sciences
that may lead to novel computational
paradigms and to give an overview of recent achievements for some of the
major conceptual problems of artificial intelligence and data modelling.
Specific sessions are:
- Robotics (hierarchical motor control, exploration, trajectory
planning, active vision)
- Attention (computational models, learning paradigms)
- Biological models (memory, perception, motor control, oscillations)
- Data interpretation (statistical theory, confidences of networks,
Bayesian approach, rule extraction)
- Cognitive models (memory, reasoning, language interpretation)
The conference consists of 4 one-half day single track sessions. Each
session will consist of 2 invited contributions and 2 or 3
contributions selected from the submitted papers. In addition there will
be poster sessions. We expect approximately 250 attendants and 50
contributed papers. The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag.
S. Thrun and J. Buhmann
(University of Bonn)
Neural networks for map building:
How RHINO navigates in offices!
F. Groen
(University of Amsterdam)
Time-varying images and visual servoing
D. MacKay
(University of Cambridge)
Developments in Probabilistic Modelling with Neural Networks
B.D. Ripley
(University of Oxford)
Statistical ideas for selecting network architectures
L. van Hemmen
(University of Munchen)
Spiky neurons and models of synchrony
A. Herz
University of Oxford)
Rapid local synchronization of action potentials
R. Eckhorn
(University of Marburg)
Segmentation coding in the visual system
B. van Dijk
(University of Amsterdam)
Synchrony and plasticity in the visual cortex
Aertsen (Weizmann Institute, Israel), Amari (Tokyo University),
Buhmann (University of Bonn), van Dijk (University of Amsterdam),
Eckhorn (University of Marburg), Gielen (University of Nijmegen),
van Hemmen (University of Munchen), Herz (University of Oxford),
Heskes (University of Nijmegen), Kappen (University of Nijmegen),
Krose (University of Amsterdam), Lopez (University of Madrid),
Martinetz (Siemens Research, Munchen), MacKay (University of Cambridge),
von Seelen (University of Bochum, Germany), Taylor (King's College, London)
Please submit 4 copies of a maximally 4 page extended abstract
by regular mail to SNN at the address below, BEFORE
must be written in English. Indicate whether the manuscript is intended
for oral or poster presentation. With each submitted manuscript, indicate
the name of the principal author, the mail and email address, telephone
and fax numbers and the session the manuscript is submitted to.
Authors will be notified about acceptance of their contribution as a
oral or poster presentation by June 15 1995.
Accepted contributions are requested to submit a 4 page camera ready
contribution for the proceedings BEFORE JULY 1 1995.
Therefore, please observe carefully these instructions:
1. Text and illustrations should fill, but not extend
beyond, an area of 120 x 195 mm.
2. Use a 10pt font size with line spacing of 2 pts.
3. Use a serifed font (e.g. Times)
4. Text should be justifed on both left and right margins, not ragged
5. Do not use running heads
6. Do not use page nummbers
7. The title should be written in capital letters 2 cm from the top
of the first page, followed by the authors' name and addresses and the
8. In the text, do not indent headings or captions
9. Insert all tables, figures, and figure captions in the text at their
final positions
10. For references in the text, use numbers in square brackets
A LaTeX style file is held on the CTAN archive at Aston University (UK).
The files can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from ftp.tex.ac.uk
where the files wicread.me wicsadv.org wicsadv.tex wicsbook.org
and wicsbook.sty are held in the directory
There will be an industrial conference entitled NEURAL NETWORKS AT WORK
which runs concurrently with the scientific conference. A selection of the
best working and 'money making' applications of neural networks in
Europe will be presented. The industrial track is organized as part
of the activities of the Esprit project SIENNA which aims are to conduct a
survey of successful and unsuccessful applications of neural networks
in the European market. For additional information and a detailed
program, please contact SNN at the address below.
The conference will be held at the University Auditorium and Conference
Centre of the University of Nijmegen. Instructions on how to get to
the University Auditorium and Conference Centre will be sent
to you with your conference registration.
Before/after June 1 1995, the registration fee for the scientific track is
NLG 250/300 for the two days and includes coffee/tea and lunches. One
day registration is NLG 200. Scientific registration gives access to the
scientific oral and poster presentations, and includes a copy of the
scientific proceedings.
Before/after June 1 1995, the registration fee for the industrial track
is NLG 400/450 per day and includes coffee/tea and lunches. One
day registration is NLG 300. Industrial registration gives access
to the industrial track presentations as well as the scientific oral
and poster presentations, and includes a copy of the scientific and
the industrial proceedings.
Full-time PhD or Master students may register at a reduced rate.
Before/after July 15 1995, the registration fee for students
is NLG 125/150 for the two days and includes coffee/tea and lunches.
Student registration gives access to the scientific oral and poster
presentations. Students must send a copy of their university
registration card or a letter from their supervisor together with the
registration form.
Methods of payment are outlined in the enclosed registration form. To
those who have completed the registration form with remittance of the
appropriate fees, a receipt will be sent. This receipt should be
presented at the registration desk at the conference. Payment must have
been received by us before the conference. If not, you will have to pay
in cash or with personal cheques at the conference. At the conference,
Notification of cancellation must be sent in writing to
the Conference Organizing Bureau of the University of Nijmegen (see
address below). Cancellations received before July 1 will be
refunded, excluding an administrative fee of NLG 50,-. Cancellations
received after July 1 will not be refunded, but the
proceedings will be mailed.
Hotel reservations will be made for you as indicated on the registration
form. Payment can be made at arrival or departure of the hotel (depends
on the hotel policy). All hotels are in central Nijmegen and within
a ten minute bus ride from the University. The Foundation for
Neural Networks and the Conference Organizing bureau cannot be held
responsible for hotel reservations and related costs.
SNN cannot be held liable for any personal accident or damage to the private
property of participants during the conference.
Prof.dr. C. Gielen, Dr. H. Kappen, Mrs. M. Rengers
Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN)
University of Nijmegen
PObox 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
tel: +31 80 614245
fax: +31 80 541435
email: snn at mbfys.kun.nl
Send your REGISTRATION to:
University of Nijmegen
Conference organization bureau
POBox 9111
6500 HN Nijmegen, The Netherlands
tel: +31 80 615968 or 612184
fax: +31 80 567956
Name: .......................................................... Mr/Mrs
Affiliation: ....................................................
Address: ........................................................
Zipcode/City: ...................................................
Country: ........................................................
Conference Registration
() I will participate at the SNN symposium Amount
() industrial registration 2 days ......
() industrial registration 1 day: 14/15 september*) ......
() academic registration 2 days ......
() academic registration 1 day: 14/15 september*) ......
() student registration ......
*) please strike what is not applicable
() I intend to present an oral or poster presentation for
the scientific track
Title: ............................................................
Session: ..........................................................
() A 4 page abstract has been submitted
() Bank transfer has been made (FREE OF BANK CHARGES)
to SNN conferences, Credit Lyonnais Nederland NV Nijmegen,
on bank account number 637984838, swift code CRLIJNL2RS.
Amount: ...................
() Charge my credit card for the amount of ....................
() Master Card
() American Express
Card no.:
Expiry date:
() Please make hotel reservations in my name:
Date of arrival:
Date of departure:
Single/double room (strike what is not applicable)
single double (prices per night)
() Hotel Mercure 145 165
() Hotel Apollo 90 120
() Hotel Catharina 43,50 87 (with shower and toilet)
57,50 115
The symposium information can also be found on the World Wide Web:
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