neural nets in telecom workshop
Joshua Alspector
josh at
Thu Apr 13 15:27:17 EDT 1995
International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications
Stockholm, Sweden May 22-24, 1995
Organizing Committee
General Chair: Josh Alspector, Bellcore
Program Chair: Rod Goodman, Caltech
Publications Chair: Timothy X Brown, Bellcore
Treasurer: Anthony Jayakumar, Bellcore
Atul Chhabra, NYNEX
Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute
Local Arrangements:
Miklos Boda, Ellemtel
Bengt Asker, Ericsson
Program Committee:
Harald Brandt, Ellemtel
Tzi-Dar Chiueh, National Taiwan U
Francoise Fogelman, SLIGOS
Tony Reeder, British Telecom
Larry Jackel, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Thomas John, Southwestern Bell
Adam Kowalczyk, Telecom Australia
S Y Kung, Princeton University
Tadashi Sone, NTT
INNS Liaison: Bernard Widrow, Stanford University
IEEE Liaison: Steve Weinstein, NEC
Conference Administrator:
Betty Greer, IWANNT*95
Bellcore, MRE 2P-295
445 South Street
Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
voice: (201)829-4993
fax: (201)829-5888
bg1 at
Dear Colleague:
You are invited to an international workshop on applications of neural
networks and other intelligent systems to problems in telecommunica-
tions and information networking. This is the second workshop in a
series that began in Princeton, New Jersey on October, 18-20 1993.
Topics include:
Network Management
Congestion Control
Adaptive Equalization
Speech Recognition
Language ID/Translation
Information Filtering
Dynamic Routing
Software Engineering
Fraud Detection
Financial and Market Prediction
Fault Identification and Prediction
Character Recognition
Adaptive Control
Data Compression
This conference will take place at a time of the year when the beauti-
ful city of Stockholm is at its best. The conference will take place in
the facilities of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences,
right in the middle of Stockholm. There will be several hotels in dif-
ferent categories to choose from in the neighborhood. One evening,
there will be a boat tour in the famous archipelago which will include
We enclose an advance program for the workshop as well as informa-
tion for registration and hotels. There will be a hard cover proceed-
ings available at the workshop. There is further information on the
IWANNT home page at:
I hope to see you at the workshop.
Josh Alspector,
General Chair
Preliminary Program
Monday, May 22, 1995:
7:00 Registration and Coffee
Session 1:
8:30 J. Alspector, Welcome
8:45 Invited Speaker: Bernt Ericson, VP Ericsson Research and
9:30 C. Cortes, L. D. Jackel, W-P Chiang, Predicting Failures of
Telecommunication Paths: Limits on Learning Machine Accuracy
Imposed by Data Quality
10:00 Break
10:30 C. S. Hood, C. Ji, An Intelligent Monitoring Hierarchy for
Network Management
11:00 A. Holst, A.Lansner, A Higher Order Bayesian Neural Network for
Classification and Diagnosis
11:30 T. Sone, A Strong Combination of Neural Networks and Deep
Reasoning in Fault Diagnosis
12:00 J. Connor, L. Brothers, J. Alspector, Neural Network Detection
of Fraudulent Calling Card Patterns
12:30 Lunch
Session 2:
13:30 D. S. Reay, Non-Linear Channel Equalisation Using Associative
Memory Neural Networks
14:00 A. Jayakumar, J. Alspector, Experimental Analog Neural Network
Based Decision Feedback Equalizer for Digital Mobile Radio
14:30 M. Junius, O. Kennemann, Intelligent Techniques for the GSM
Handover Process
15:00 Break
15:30 P. Campbell, H. Ferr, A. Kowalczyk, C. Leckie, P. Sember,
Neural Networks in Real Time Decision Making
16:00 P. Chardaire, A. Kapsalis, J. W. Mann, V. J. Rayward-Smith, G.
D. Smith, Applications of Genetic Algorithms in Telecommunications
16:30 S. Bengio, F. Fessant, D. Collobert, A Connectionist System for
Medium-Term Horizon Time Series Prediction
Tuesday, May 23, 1995:
8:00 Coffee and Registration
Session 3:
8:30 Invited Speaker: Martin Hyndman, Derwent Information, Neural
Network Patenting
9:00 B. de Vries, C. W. Che, R. Crane, J. Flanagan, Q. Lin, J.
Pearson, Neural Network Speech Enhancement for Noise Robust
Speech Recognition
9:30 Break
10:00 E. Barnard, R. Cole, M. Fanty, P. Vermeulen, Real-World Speech
Recognition with Neural Networks
10:30 A. K. Chhabra, V. Misra, Experiments with Statistical
Connectionist Methods and Hidden Markov Models for Recognition
of Text in Telephone Company Drawings
11:00 R. A. Bustos, T. D. Gedeon, Learning Synonyms and Related
Concepts in Document Collections
11:30 N. Karunanithi, J. Alspector, A Feature-Based Neural Network
Movie Selection Approach
12:00 H. Brandt, ATM Basics Tutorial
12:30 Lunch: Tuesday PM
13:30 Poster Session:
A. Arts-Rodrguez, F. Gonzlez-Serrano, A Figueiras-Vidal, L.
Weruaga-Prieto, Compensation of Bandpass Nonlinearities by
Look-Up-Tables and CMAC
P. Barson, N. Davey, S. Field, R. Frank, D. S. W. Tansley, Dynamic
Competitive Learning Applied to the Clone Detection Problem
R. Battiti, A. Sartori, G. Tecchiolli, P. Tonella, A. Zorat, Neural
Compression: An Integrated Application to EEG Signals
E. Bayro-Corrochano, R. Espinoza-Soliz, Neural Network Based Approach
for External Telephone Network Management
M. Berger, Fast Channel Assignment in Cellular Radio Systems
M. J. Bradley, P. Mars, Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks as
Digital Communication Channel Equalizer
T. Brown, A Technique for Mapping Optimization Solutions into Hardware
M. Collobert, D. Collobert, A Neural System to Detect Faulty Components
on Complex Boards in Digital Switches
F. Comellas, J. Ozn, Graph Coloring Algorithms for Assignment Problems
in Radio Networks
M. Dixon, M. Bellgard, G. R. Cole, A Neural Network Algorithm to Solve
the Routing Problem in Communication Networks
A. P. Engelbrecht, I. Cloete, Dimensioning of Telephone Networks Using
a Neural Network as Traffic Distribution Approximator
A. D. Estrella, E. Casilari, A. Jurado, F. Sandoval, ATM Traffic Neural
Control: Multiservice Call Admission and Policing Function
S. Fredrickson, L. Tarassenko, Text-Independent Speaker Recognition
Using Radial Basis Functions
N. Kasabov, Hybrid Environments for Building Comprehensive AI and the
Task of Speech Recognition
K. Kohara, Selective Presentation Learning for Forecasting by Neural
H. C. Lau, K. Y. Szeto, K. Y. M. Wong, D. Y. Yeung, A Hybrid Expert
System for Error Message Classification
F. Mekuria, T. Fjllbrant, Neural Networks for Efficient Adaptive Vector
Quantization of Signals
A. F. Nejad, T. D. Gedeon, Analyser Neural Networks:An Empirical Study
in Revealing Regularities of Complex Systems
A. Varma, R. Antonucci, A Neural-Network Controller for Scheduling
Packet Transmissions in a Crossbar Switch
M. B. Zaremba, K.-Q. Liao, G. Chan, M. Gaudreau, Link Bandwidth
Allocation in Multiservice Networks Using Neural Technology
16:30 Boat Tour and Dinner
Wednesday, May 24, 1995:
8:00 Coffee and Registration
Session 4:
8:30 Invited Speaker: Per Roland, Karolinska Institute, The Real
Neural Network
9:30 S. Field, N. Davey, R. Frank, A Complexity Analysis of
Telecommunications Software Using Neural Nets
10:00 Break
10:30 T-D Chiueh, L-K Bu, Theory and Implementation of an Analog
Network that Solves the Shortest Path Problem
11:00 E. Nordstrm, J. Carlstrm, A Reinforcement Learning Scheme for
Adaptive Link Allocation in ATM Networks
12:00 W. K. F. Lor, K. Y. M. Wong, Decentralized Neural Dynamic
Routing in Circuit-Switched Networks
12:30 Lunch
Session 5:
13:30 A. Garcia-Lopera, A. Ariza Quintana, F. Sandoval Hernandez,
Modular Neural Control of Buffered Banyan Networks
14:00 A. Murgu, Adaptive Flow Control in Multistage Communications
Networks Based on a Sliding Window Learning Algorithm
14:30 T. Brown, A Technique for Classifying Network States
15:00 Break
15:30 R. M. Goodman, B. E. Ambrose, Learning Telephone Network Trunk
Reservation Congestion Control Using Neural Networks
16:00 A. Farag, M. Boda, H. Brandt, T. Henk, T. Trn, J. Br, Virtual
Lookahead - a New Approach to Train Neural Nets for Solving
On-Line Decision Problems
16:30 O. Gallmo, L. Asplund, Reinforcement Learning by Construction of
Hypothetical Targets
17:00 Adjourn
The conference will be held at the IVA or Royal
Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. The
location is a mixture of old and new. The conference
will take place in modern facilties built in
1983, while the lunches are held in a beautiful dining
room from the turn of the century.
IVA is situated at Grev Turegatan 14
(Count Ture's street) which is very central. Close by is
Sturegallerian, a fine shopping center,
located in a number of buildings from the early 20th century.
A few hundred meters walk will take you to
Nybroviken, where you may take a ferry to the
big outdoor museum Skansen. The same distance
in the other direction will bring you to Hamngatan
and Sergels torg, right in the middle of the shopping district.
How to Get There
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