Position available
IDROR at miavx1.acs.muohio.edu
Tue Sep 20 15:18:26 EDT 1994
The Department of Psychology at Miami University anticipates
up to two tenure track positions in cognitive psychology,
beginning August 1995. Areas of specialization is open, but
applications with strong background in cognitive science and
experience in computation modelling/cognitive simulations
will be given special attention. Responsibilities include
graduate and undergraduate teaching in the areas of cognitive
science and quantitative methods, supervision of doctoral
research, and continuing research in applicant's area of
interest. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to
apply. Salary will be commensurate with training, research
productivity, and experience. Applicant should submit a letter
describing research and teaching interests and experience, a
vita, representative reprints, and at least three letter of
recommendation to Richard C. Sherman, Cognitive Search
Committee Chair, Department of Psychology, Miami
University, Oxford Ohio, 45056. Review of applications will
begin January 2, 1995. Miami University is an affirmative
action equal opportunity employer.
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