Stat-NN reminder

Jim Kay sassk at
Mon Oct 10 15:21:43 EDT 1994

           Statistics vs. Neural Networks

                  A Competition Reminder

Can artificial neural networks outperform statistical methods 
in a fair comparison ?

Finding applications where they can is one of the main objectives of a 
two-day workshop to be held on April 19-20, 1995 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

We invite entries to this competition which should reach Jim Kay at the address
given below by November the first. The decisions reached will be communicated
to applicants by the 15th of January, 1995.

The best four entries will be selected and one applicant per entry will be
invited to attend the workshop and make an oral presentation of their results;
costs of accommodation and travel (within the UK) will be provided subject to
certain upper bounds.

The other general objectives of the workshop are:

  to discuss problems of statistical interest within ANN research;

  to discuss statistical concepts and tools that expand the technology
  of ANN research;

  to enhance collaborative research involving experts from one or more of
  the two communities.

We look forward to receiving your applications which should include
a contact name and address and be no more than 10 typed A4 pages.

           Jim Kay   and   Mike Titterington

SASS Environmental Modelling Unit
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Aberdeen AB9 2 QJ
Scotland, UK

e-mail   :  j.kay at (within the UK)
            j.kay at (internet address)

Tel.     :  +224 - 318611 (ext. 2269) 

Fax      :  +224 - 208065 

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