Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society
Simon Dennis
mav at
Mon Oct 10 19:55:19 EDT 1994
3rd Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
April 18-20, 1995
(Preceding the 22nd Australian Experimental
Psychology Conference)
Abstracts Due: December 2, 1994
Please address all e-mail correspondence to: cogsci95 at
(Do not reply directly to this message)
The 3rd Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society will
be held at the University of Queensland from Tuesday April 18 to
Thursday April 20, 1995. CogSci'95 will precede the 22nd Experimental
Psychology Conference (April 21-23). One focus of CogSci'95 will be
the application of Cognitive Science to fields such as industry,
commerce, and government.
The venue for the Conference is Emmanuel College which is located on the
campus of the University of Queensland. The campus, only 4 kms from the
centre of Brisbane, is spacious and leafy with exotic and colourful
subtropical vegetation, and is surrounded on three sides by a sweeping
bend of the Brisbane River.
Brisbane, with a population of 1.4 million, is Australia's third largest
city, and is the capital of the state of Queensland - the "Sunshine
State". Although it is Australia's fastest growing city, it retains
and cherishes an enviable lifestyle influenced by its sunny, subtropical
climate. It is a scenic and cosmopolitan city of palm studded parks,
colourful gardens, shady verandahs, riverside walks and cafes, and al
fresco dining. The Brisbane River snakes lazily through the city from
the forest clad foothills of the Great Dividing Range which frame the city
to the west, to the Pacific Ocean which frames it to the east.
Within 90 minutes drive of Brisbane are rainforested mountains, pristine
Pacific beaches, tranquil sand islands, and buzzing coastal resorts.
Brisbane is the gateway to Queensland which, one fifth the size of the USA,
encompasses the Simpson Desert in the west, the tropical rainforests of the
north, and of course the Great Barrier Reef along its beautiful Pacific
The aim of the Conference is to promote the interests of the multi-
disciplinary field of Cognitive Science. The participation of
scholars from all areas of Cognitive Science is invited, including:
- Computer Science
- Linguistics
- Neuroscience
- Philosophy
- Psychology
Additionally, the Conference aims to promote applications of Cognitive
Science and encourage participation from researchers in the Asia-Pacific
region. The Scientific Programme will include oral and poster presentations,
together with symposia.
A keynote speaker will be selected from the submitted papers.
All abstracts/papers will be refereed. It is intended that selected
papers will be published.
FULL PAPERS: The submission of full papers will be required if they are
to be considered for publication, and will be reviewed. Papers should
be 4,000 to 6,000 words with an upper limit of 8,000 words. Please
forward FIVE hard copies of the paper, ONE hard copy of the abstract,
and the abstract by email or on disk (IBM or Mac) in either ascii or
postscript format.
ABSTRACTS: If publication is not desired, abstracts only are required
and will not be reviewed externally. Abstracts should be 500 words/two
pages maximum. Please forward a hard copy and an email or floppy disk
version (IBM/Mac) in either ascii or postscript format.
SYMPOSIA: Proposals for symposia are invited and should be forwarded
to Rebecca Farley at the address below. Symposium organisors are asked
to submit an abstract for the symposium, an abstract for each paper,
and contact details for each participant. Please submit abstracts as
hard copy and by e-mail or on floppy disk (IBM or Mac) in ascii or
postscript format.
Platform papers will be allocated 20-minutes presentation time plus a
10-minute question time. Symposia will be allocated 90-minutes to
2 hours depending on the number of speakers. Poster dimensions:
1 x 1.2 metres. The deadline for submission of all papers and
abstracts is FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 1994. Notification of acceptance
for the conference as poster, platform presentation or symposium paper
will be forwarded February 15, 1995. The deadline for submission of
revised papers for publication is May 15, 1995.
The Conference will include displays of recent books. A Workshop
on Applications of Cognitive Science will be held on the afternoon
of Thursday April 20. The Workshop is planned to be of interest to
delegates of both CogSci'95 and the Experimental Psychology
Conference. The emphasis will be on applications of Cognitive Science
and Experimental Psychology to industry, government, and commerce.
The Organising Committee invites suggestions for applied activities at
the Workshop including proposals for symposia, displays, demonstrations,
papers, posters, or any ideas that might help to increase interest in
applications. It is anticipated that representatives of organisations
which are actual or potential users of Cognitive Science and Experimental
Psychology will attend the Workshop. Please forward proposals for
applied activities to Rebecca Farley by Friday, December 2, 1994.
The Australasian Cognitive Science Society Award will be made for an
outstanding project by a student on an application of Cognitive Science.
The award at CogSci'95 is sponsored by the University of Queensland and
comprises $750 prize money and complimentary conference registration.
Free registration will also be awarded for commended entries.
The Programming Committee would like to encourage the submission of
ideas for an applied project from all students. Collaboration with
other students on an application of Cognitive Science is also encouraged.
Detailed proposals are sought, approximately 6-10 pages in length. The
level of detail supplied in a grant application should be taken as a guide
for the amount of information to be included in a competition entry.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to not award prizes if no
entry of sufficient merit is received. For additional information on
the Applied Project Competition, contact Rebecca Farley on (07) 365 6230
or email: cogsci95 at The closing date for entries is
Friday, December 2, 1994.
The Social Programme covered by the registration fee includes the
opening reception on Monday evening, morning and afternoon teas,
lunches on Tuesday and Wednesday, and dinner at Emmanuel College on
Tuesday. Delegates are also invited to attend the Conference dinner
at Oxley's on the Wharf on Wednesday evening (cost: $40, includes
transport and some alcohol), and a BBQ lunch (cost: $10) which will
precede the Workshop on Applications on Thursday afternoon. The
BBQ and Workshop are to be held in conjunction with EPC.
The registration fee covers the above social events and also includes
membership of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society.
The Society is being re-established to promote the interests
of Cognitive Science in Australia and to provide a membership base
for biennial conference meetings of the Society. Payment by 28/2/95
attracts a reduced registration fee. There are also reduced rates
for full-time students and delegates attending both CogSci'95 and EPC.
Cheques should be made payable to the Australasian Cognitive Science
Accommodation has been booked at King's College, University of Queensland,
which is adjacent to the conference venue. Rooms will be allocated on
a first-registered, first-served basis. Cost per person per night is
$46. Please make your bookings on the attached registration form.
Special conference rates apply at the following hotels. Individuals
are asked to make their own bookings. When booking, please mention
that you are attending the Cognitive Science Conference
Toowong Villas (Serviced apartments: $69 per night; 3 nights min.)
11 Ascog Terrace, Toowong
Tel: (07) 371 4855 / (008) 777 092; Fax: (07) 371 4661
Inn on the Park ($90 per night)
507 Coronation Drive, Auchenflower
Tel: (07) 870 9222 (008) 773 774
All Seasons Abbey Hotel ($90 per night)
160 Roma Street, Brisbane
Tel: (07) 236 1444
We are pleased to have appointed Ansett Australia as our sole domestic
official carrier for CogSci'95. Please support this appointment by
flying Ansett Australia when air travel is required. For the cost of
a local call, Australia wide, please phone 008 810 532 and quote
File Number MC 07272.
Ansett Australia will offer the best available discount fare (up to
50% or better). Also available is a range of conference airfares from
15% to 50% off the applicable economy class airfare on Ansett
Australia services. These fares are fully refundable. Access to these
special fares is via a unique computer file reference number on
telephone 008 810 532 Australia wide. Discounted fares are strictly
subject to availability and conditions do apply.
Air New Zealand is offering a reduction of 7% on the cost of an airfare for
conference delegates who are travelling from the USA. To phone the Los
Angeles office of Air New Zealand from anywhere in the United States dial
1-800/ 262 1234
The University of Queensland
Ansett Australia
Submission of papers/abstracts December 2, 1994
Notification of acceptance
for Conference/book February 15, 1995
Registration with discount February 28, 1995
Submission of revised paper
for publication May 15, 1995
Rebecca Farley
CogSci'95 - Department of Psychology
University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD Australia 4072
Phone: (+617) 365 6230
Fax: (+617) 365 4466
E-mail: cogsci95 at
World-wide web:
Graeme Halford, Psychology, UQ
Kerry Chalmers (Sec), Psychology, UQ
Glenda Andrews (Treas), Psychology, UQ
Rebecca Farley (Admin), Psychology, UQ
Doug Saddy, Psychology & English, UQ
Janet Wiles, Psychology & Comp. Sci, UQ
Simon Dennis, Psychology, UQ
Terry Dartnall, Computing & IT, Griffith
Marilyn Ford, Computing & IT, Griffith
Ottmar Lipp, Psychology, UQ
Ellen Watson, Philosophy, UQ
Terry Dartnall, Computing & IT, Griffith
Peter Slezak, Philosophy, UNSW
Doug Saddy, Psychology & English, UQ
Kate Stevens, Psychology, UQ
Rebecca Farley, Psychology, UQ
Helen Purchase, Computer Science, UQ
Len Dalgleish, Psychology, UQ
Helen Purchase, Computer Science, UQ
Joachim Diederich, Computer Science, QUT
Alan Hayes, Education, UQ
Helen Purchase, Computer Science, UQ
I would like to: attend CogSci'95 yes/no
present a paper yes/no
organise a symposium yes/no
My preferred format is: platform / poster
Tel: ( )
Fax: ( )
E-mail address:
Facilities for slide and overhead projection will be available. Please
specify any other requirements:
$$ All prices are in Australian dollars $$
King's College ACCOMMODATION (bed & breakfast $46/night):
Day of arrival:
Day of departure:
No. nights: ________ @ $46/night = $ ________
Please notify us of any special dietary requirements.
CONFERENCE DINNER - Wednesday ($40) yes/no
BBQ LUNCH - Thursday ($10) yes/no
$ ________
REGISTRATION (select one)
Full paid by 28/2/95........................... $140
Full paid after 28/2/95........................ $150
CogSci if also attending EPC................... $135
CogSci (late) if also attending EPC............ $145
Student paid by 28/2/95........................ $ 90
Student paid after 28/2/95..................... $100
Student CogSci if attending EPC................ $ 85
Student CogSci (late) if attending EPC......... $ 95
$ ________
TOTAL: $ ________
Cheques to be made payable to the Australasian Cognitive Science
Rebecca Farley
CogSci'95 - Department of Psychology
University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD Australia 4072
Phone: (+617) 365 6230
Fax: (+617) 365 4466
E-mail: cogsci95 at
World-wide web:
Simon Dennis Department of Psychology mav at
Post Doctoral The University of Queensland
Research Fellow QLD 4072 Australia
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