paper available
Juergen Schmidhuber
schmidhu at
Tue Oct 4 05:32:09 EDT 1994
Report FKI-197-94
(19 pages, non-scientific paper)
Juergen Schmidhuber
Fakultaet fuer Informatik
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
80290 Muenchen, Germany
Many artists try to depict ``the essence'' of objects to be represented.
In an attempt to formalize certain aspects of the ``the essence'', I
propose an art form called algorithmic art. It is based on concepts from
algorithmic information theory. Suppose the task is to draw a given object.
Usually there are many ways of doing so. The goal of algorithmic art is to
draw the object such that the drawing can be specified by an algorithm and
two properties hold: (1) The drawing should ``look right''. (2) the Kolmo-
gorov complexity of the drawing should be small (the algorithm should be
short), and a typical observer should be able to see this. Examples of
algorithmic art are given in form of ``algorithmically simple'' cartoons
of various objects, including a pin-up girl and a weight lifter. Relations
to previous work are established. Finally, attempts are made to relate the
formalism of the theory of minimum description length to informal notions
like ``good artistic style'' and ``beauty''.
To obtain a copy, do:
unix> ftp
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ftp> binary
ftp> cd pub/fki
ftp> get
ftp> bye
unix> gunzip
unix> lpr
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printers you will have to use the -s option ( > 1MB uncompressed).
Comments are welcome. Are you aware of any other mailing lists or
publishers who might be interested in this work? Please tell me.
Juergen Schmidhuber
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