ESANN'94 proceedings
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Sat May 7 17:21:18 EDT 1994
ESANN ' 94
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
Brussels, April 20-21-22, 1994
The second European Symposium on Artificial Neural networks was held in
Brussels (Belgium) on April 20-21-22. The conference presented a selection
of high-quality papers in the field of theoretical and mathematical aspects
of neural networks, algorithms, relations with classical methods of
statistics and of information theory, and with biology. You will find
enclosed the detailed program of the conference.
The proceedings of this conference are available by sending the following
completed form to the conference secretariat. Please use fax to avoid
delays. The proceedings include all 44 papers presented during the
A limited number of copies of the ESANN'93 proceedings are still available;
you will find the list of papers included in these proceedings at the end
of this e-mail.
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The proceedings of ESANN'94 contain the following papers:
"Concerning the formation of chaotic behaviour in recurrent neural networks"
T. Kolb, K. Berns
Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe (Germany)
"Stability and bifurcation in an autoassociative memory model"
W.G. Gibson, J. Robinson, C.M. Thomas
University of Sidney (Australia)
"Capabilities of a structured neural network. Learning and comparison with
classical techniques"
J. Codina, J. C. Aguado, J.M. Fuertes
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain)
"Projection learning: alternative approaches to the computation of the
K. Weigl, M. Berthod
INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France)
"Stability bounds of momentum coefficient and learning rate in
backpropagation algorithm"
Z. Mao, T.C. Hsia
University of California at Davis (USA)
"Model selection for neural networks: comparing MDL and NIC"
G. te Brake*, J.N. Kok*, P.M.B. Vitanyi**
*Utrecht University, **Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science,
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
"Estimation of performance bounds in supervised classification"
P. Comon*, J.L. Voz**, M. Verleysen**
*Thomson-Sintra Sophia Antipolis (France), **Université Catholique
de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
"Input Parameters' estimation via neural networks"
I.V. Tetko, A.I. Luik
Institute of Bioorganic & Petroleum Chemistry Kiev (Ukraine)
"Combining multi-layer perceptrons in classification problems"
E. Filippi, M. Costa, E. Pasero
Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
"Diluted neural networks with binary couplings: a replica symmetry breaking
calculation of the storage capacity"
J. Iwanski, J. Schietse
Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Belgium)
"Storage capacity of the reversed wedge perceptron with binary connections"
G.J. Bex, R. Serneels
Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Belgium)
"A general model for higher order neurons"
F.J. Lopez-Aligue, M.A. Jaramillo-Moran, I. Acedevo-Sotoca, M.G. Valle
Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain)
"A discriminative HCNN modeling"
B. Petek
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
"Biologically plausible hybrid network design and motor control"
G.R. Mulhauser
University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
"Analysis of critical effects in a stochastic neural model"
W. Mommaerts, E.C. van der Meulen, T.S. Turova
K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
"Stochastic model of odor intensity coding in first-order olfactory neurons"
J.P. Rospars*, P. Lansky**
*INRA Versailles (France), **Academy of Sciences, Prague (Czech
"Memory, learning and neuromediators"
A.S. Mikhailov
Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin (Germany), and Russian Academy
of Sciences, Moscow (Russia)
"An explicit comparison of spike dynamics and firing rate dynamics in
neural network modeling"
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, N. Chambet
Université d'Angers (France)
"A stop criterion for the Boltzmann machine learning algorithm"
B. Ruf
Carleton University (Canada)
"High-order Boltzmann machines applied to the Monk's problems"
M. Grana, V. Lavin, A. D'Anjou, F.X. Albizuri, J.A. Lozano
UPV/EHU, San Sebastian (Spain)
"A constructive training algorithm for feedforward neural networks with
ternary weights"
F. Aviolat, E. Mayoraz
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
"Synchronization in a neural network of phase oscillators with time delayed
T.B. Luzyanina
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russia)
"Reinforcement learning and neural reinforcement learning"
S. Sehad, C. Touzet
Ecole pour les Etudes et la Recherche en Informatique et
Electronique, Nîmes (France)
"Improving piecewise linear separation incremental algorithms using
complexity reduction methods"
J.M. Moreno, F. Castillo, J. Cabestany
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain)
"A comparison of two weight pruning methods"
O. Fambon, C. Jutten
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France)
"Extending immediate reinforcement learning on neural networks to multiple
C. Touzet
Ecole pour les Etudes et la Recherche en Informatique et
Electronique, Nîmes (France)
"Incremental increased complexity training"
J. Ludik, I. Cloete
University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
"Approximation of continuous functions by RBF and KBF networks"
V. Kurkova, K. Hlavackova
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
"An optimized RBF network for approximation of functions"
M. Verleysen*, K. Hlavackova**
*Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium),
**Academy of Science of the Czech Republic
"VLSI complexity reduction by piece-wise approximation of the sigmoid function"
V. Beiu, J.A. Peperstraete, J. Vandewalle, R. Lauwereins
K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
"Dynamic pattern selection for faster learning and controlled
generalization of neural networks"
A. Röbel
Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
"Noise reduction by multi-target learning"
J.A. Bullinaria
Edinburgh University (Scotland)
"Variable binding in a neural network using a distributed representation"
A. Browne, J. Pilkington
South Bank University, London (UK)
"A comparison of neural networks, linear controllers, genetic algorithms
and simulated annealing for real time control"
M. Chiaberge*, J.J. Merelo**, L.M. Reyneri*, A. Prieto**, L. Zocca*
*Politecnico di Torino (Italy), **Universidad de Granada (Spain)
"Visualizing the learning process for neural networks"
R. Rojas
Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
"Stability analysis of diagonal recurrent neural networks"
Y. Tan, M. Loccufier, R. De Keyser, E. Noldus
University of Gent (Belgium)
"Stochastics of on-line back-propagation"
T. Heskes
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
"A lateral contribution learning algorithm for multi MLP architecture"
N. Pican*, J.C. Fort**, F. Alexandre*
*INRIA Lorraine, **Université Nancy I (France)
"Two or three things that we know about the Kohonen algorithm"
M. Cottrell*, J.C. Fort**, G. Pagès***
Universités *Paris 1, **Nancy 1, ***Paris 6 (France)
"Decoding functions for Kohonen maps"
M. Alvarez, A. Varfis
CEC Joint Research Center, Ispra (Italy)
"Improvement of learning results of the selforganizing map by calculating
fractal dimensions"
H. Speckmann, G. Raddatz, W. Rosenstiel
University of Tübingen (Germany)
"A non linear Kohonen algorithm"
J.-C. Fort*, G. Pagès**
*Université Nancy 1, **Universités Pierre et Marie Curie, et Paris
12 (France)
"Self-organizing maps based on differential equations"
A. Kanstein, K. Goser
Universität Dortmund (Germany)
"Instabilities in self-organized feature maps with short neighbourhood range"
R. Der, M. Herrmann
Universität Leipzig (Germany)
The proceedings of ESANN'93 contain the following papers:
"A modified trajectory reversing method for the stability analysis of
neural networks"
M. Loccufier, E. Noldus
University of Ghent (Belgium)
"A lateral inhibition network that emulates a winner-takes-all algorithm"
B. Krekelberg, J.N. Kok
Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
"Tracking global minima using a range expansion algorithm"
D. Gorse, A. Shepherd, J.G. Taylor
University College London (United Kingdom)
"Embedding knowledge into stochastic learning automata for fast solution of
binary constraint satisfaction problems"
D. Kontoravdis, A. Likas, A. Stafylopatis
National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
"Parallel dynamics of extremely diluted neural networks"
D. Bolle, B. Vinck, A. Zagrebnov
K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
"Enhanced unit training for piecewise linear separation incremental algorithms"
J.M. Moreno, F. Castillo, J. Cabestany
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain)
"Incremental evolution of neural network architectures for adaptive behaviour"
D. Cliff, I. Harvey, P. Husbands
University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
"Efficient decomposition of comparison and its applications"
V. Beiu, J. Peperstraete, J. Vandewalle, R. Lauwereins
K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
"Modelling biological learning from its generalization capacity"
F.J. Vico, F. Sandoval, J. Almaraz
Universidad de Malaga (Spain)
"A learning and pruning algorithm for genetic Boolean neural networks"
F. Gruau
Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble (France)
"Population coding in a theoretical biologically plausible network"
G.R. Mulhauser
University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
"Physiological modelling of cochlear nucleus responses"
C. Lorenzi* **, F. Berthommier**, N. Tirandaz*
*Universite de Lyon 2, ** Universite Joseph Fourier - Grenoble (France)
"The Purkinje unit of the cerebellum as a model of a stable neural network"
P. Chauvet*, G. Chauvet* **
*Universite d'Angers (France), **University of Southern California USA)
"A mental problem for the solution of the direct and inverse kinematic problem"
H. Cruse, U. Steinkuhler, J. Deitert
Univ. of Bielefeld (Germany)
"Probabilistic decision trees and multilayered perceptrons"
P. Bigot, M. Cosnard
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (France)
"Comparison of optimized backpropagation algorithms"
W. Schiffmann, M. Joost, R. Werner
University of Koblenz (Germany)
"Minimerror: a perceptron learning rule that finds the optimal weights"
M.B. Gordon, D. Berchier
Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble (France)
"MLP modular networks for multi-class recognition"
P. Sebire, B. Dorizzi
Institut National des Telecommunications (France)
"Place-to-time code transformation during saccades"
B. Breznen
Slovak Academy of Sciences (Czechoslovakia)
"An efficient learning model for the neural integrator of the oculomotor system"
J.-P. Draye*, G. Cheron** ***, G. Libert*, E. Godaux**
*Fac. Poly. de Mons, **Univ. de Mons-Hainaut, ***Univ. Libre de
Bruxelles (Belgium)
"Motion processing in the retina: about a velocity matched filter"
J. Herault, W. Beaudot
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France)
"Laplacian pyramids with multi-layer perceptrons interpolators"
B. Simon, B. Macq, M. Verleysen
Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
"EEG paroxystic activity detected by neural networks after wavelet
transform analysis"
P. Clochon*, R. Caterini**, D. Clarencon**, V. Roman**
*INSERM U 320 Caen, **CRSSA U 18 Grenoble-la-Tronche (France)
"An algorithm to learn sequences with the connectionist sequential machine"
O. Sarzeaud, N. Giambiasi
Ecole pour les Etudes et la Recherche en Informatique et
Electronique - Nimes (France)
"Time series and neural network: a statistical method for weight elimination"
M. Cottrell, B. Girard, Y. Girard, M. Mangeas
Universite Paris I (France)
"The filtered activation networks"
L.S. Smith, K. Swingler
University of Stirling (Scotland)
"Supervised learning and associative memory by the random neural network"
M. Mokhtari
Universite Rene Descartes - Paris (France)
"Mixture states in Potts neural networks"
D. Bolle, J. Huyghebaert
K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
"Trajectory learning using hierarchy of oscillatory modules"
N.B. Toomarian, P. Baldi
California Institute of Technology (USA)
"Locally implementable learning with isospectral matrix flows"
J. Dehaene, J. Vandewalle
K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
"Once more about the information capacity of Hopfield network"
A.A. Frolov*, D. Husek**
*Russian Acad. of Sci. - Moscow (Russia), **Acad. of Sci. Czech
Republic - Prague (Czech Republic)
"Self-organization of a Kohonen network with quantized weights and an
arbitrary one-dimensional stimuli distribution"
P. Thiran
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
"Optimal decision surfaces in LVQ1 classification of patterns"
M. Verleysen, P. Thissen, J.-D. Legat
Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
"Three algorithms for searching the minimum distance in self-organizing maps"
V. Tryba*, K. Goser**
*SICAN GmbH Hannover, **Universitat Dortmund (Germany)
"Voronoi tesselation, space quantization algorithms and numerical integration"
G. Pages
Universite Paris I & Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (France)
"An intuitive characterization for the reference vectors of a Kohonen map"
A. Varfis, C. Versino
CEC Joint Research Center (Italy)
Michel Verleysen
D facto conference services
45 rue Masui
1210 Brussels
tel: +32 2 245 43 63
fax: +32 2 245 46 94
E-mail: esann at
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