Call for Articles: Automatic Target Recognition issue, Neural Networks

announce@PARK.BU.EDU announce at PARK.BU.EDU
Mon Mar 28 15:39:57 EST 1994

***** CALL FOR PAPERS ***** 
1995 Special Issue of the journal Neural Networks
on "Neural Networks for Automatic Target Recognition"

ATR is a many-faceted problem of tremendous importance in industrial and
defense applications. Biological systems excel at these tasks, and neural
networks may provide a robust, real-time, and compact means for achieving
solutions to ATR problems. ATR systems utilize a host of sensing modalities
(visible, multispectral, IR, SAR, and ISAR imagery; radar, sonar, and acoustic
time series; and fusion of multiple sensing modalities) in order to detect and
track targets in clutter, and classify them. This Special Issue will bring
together a broad range of invited and contributed articles that explore a
variety of software and hardware modules and systems, and biological
inspirations, focused on solving ATR problems. We particularly welcome
articles involving applications to real data, though the journal cannot
publish classified material. It will be the responsibility of the submitting
authors to insure that all submissions are of an unclassified nature.  

Professor Stephen Grossberg, Boston University
Dr. Harold Hawkins, Office of Naval Research 
Dr. Allen Waxman, MIT Lincoln Laboratory 

Deadline for submission: October 31, 1994 
Notification of acceptance: January 15, 1995 
Format: as for normal papers in the journal (APA format) and no longer 
than 10,000 words 

Address for Papers:
Professor Stephen Grossberg 
Editor, Neural Networks 
Boston University 
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems 
111 Cummington Street 
Room 244 
Boston, MA 02215 USA 

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