VLSI Phase-locking architecture NIPS 6 pre-print
Thomas Grant Edwards
tedwards at src.umd.edu
Mon Mar 7 15:34:31 EST 1994
The file andreou.vlsi-phase-lock.ps.Z is now available for downloading
from the Neuroprose repository:
VLSI Phase Locking Architectures for Feature Linking in
Multiple Target Tracking Systems
Andreas G. Andreou Thomas G. Edwards
The Johns Hopkins University University of Maryland
ABSTRACT: Recent physiological research has shown that synchronization of
oscillatory responses in striate cortex may code for relationships between
visual features of objects. A VLSI circuit has been designed to provide
rapid phase-locking synchronization of multiple oscillators to allow for
further exploration of this neural mechanism. By exploiting the intrinsic
random transistor mismatch of devices operated in subthreshold, large groups
of phase-locked oscillators can be readily partitioned into smaller
phase-locked groups. A multiple target tracker for binary images is
described utilizing this phase-locking architecture. A VLSI chip has been
fabricated and tested to verify the architecture. The chip employs Pulse
Amplitude Modulation (PAM) to encode the output at the periphery of the
(NIPS 6 Pre-Print)
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