Cognitive Science MSc Programme at Birmingham cogsci at
Sun Mar 20 16:23:55 EST 1994

           M S c   i n   C o g n i t i v e   S c i e n c e  
     a t   t h e   U n i v e r s i t y   o f   B i r m i n g h a m

The University of Birmingham runs a programme of inter-disciplinary teaching
and research in Cognitive Science notable for its breadth and cross-
disciplinary interaction. Staff have a wide range of relevant research
interests, and Cognitive Science is supported by extensive computing
facilities comprising Unix workstations and X-terminals.
    The MSc in Cognitive Science is a one-year modular programme consisting
of taught courses followed by a substantial project.  
    The taught courses (including options) on the MSc comprise: Artificial
Intelligence Programming and Logic, Overview of Cognitive Science, Knowledge
Representation Inference and Expert Systems, General Linguistics, Human
Information Processing, Structures for Data and Knowledge, Philosophy of
Science for Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind for Cognitive Science, C++
Programming, Human-Computer Interaction, Biological and Computational
Architectures, Current Issues in Cognitive Science, Artificial and Natural
Perceptual Systems, Speech and Natural Language Processing, and Parallel
Distributed Processing. Projects can be pursued in a wide range of topics.
    Admissions requirements for the MSc in Cognitive Science are flexible,
but normally include a good degree in a relevant area such as psychology,
artificial intelligence, computer science, linguistics or philosophy.
    Addresses for further information are given below. The same
addresses can be used for enquiries concerning the PhD programme in
Cognitive Science and the Cognitive Science Seminar Series at

Phone: 	(+4421) 414 3683
Fax: 	(+4421) 414 4897
E-mail: cogsci at
Mail: 	Cognitive Science Admissions, 
     	School of Psychology, 
      	University of Birmingham,
     	B15 2TT,

Donald Peterson. 

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