Announcing the "lutear-auditory-simulation" Mailing List
L.P.OMard at
Wed Jun 29 12:50:52 EDT 1994
Hello People,
This message is to announce the "lutear-auditory-simulation" mailing
list. The list may be joined by anybody (international internet users), by
sending the following message to "mailbase at":
To: mailbase at
Subject: (you may leave this blank)
Message text:
join lutear-auditory-simulation Ann Jones
- where "Ann Jones" should be replaced by your own first and second names.
What is LUTEar?
The LUTEar Core Routines Library (CRL, version 1.5.2, October
1993) is a computational platform and set of coding conventions which
supports a modular approach to auditory system modelling. The system is
written in ANSI-C and works on a wide range of operating systems. It is
available via anonymous FTP from:- ( /public/hulpo/lutear.
The CRL brings together established models, developed by the group,
and also contributed by other researchers in the field, which simulate
various stages in the auditory process. Since the first release, the LUTEar
CRL has been tested and used both at the originating laboratory and at
many other sites. It has been used as a tool for speech processing, speech
and voice analysis as well as in the investigation of auditory phenomena,
for which it was primarily constructed.
Included with this release is a comprehensive series of test
programs. These programs were used to test the CRL routines; they
reproduce the behaviour of the respective published models included. The
programs also provide examples of how the CRL may be used in auditory
investigation programs. In addition the programs read data from
parameter files, and thus can be readily used to investigate further the
behaviour of the models included in the CRL.
FTP the "README" file for a more comprehensive list of features.
The anouncement of the next release of LUTEar will be announced using the
present mailing list and the new "lutear-auditory-simulation", but all
future announcements will only be sent to the new mailing list.
The aims of the "lutear-auditory-simulation" mailing list are as follows:-
(1) Quick bug reporting to all concerned:
People can report suspected bugs, so that in the while I investigate,
others can be aware of potential problems.
(2) The expression of "wish lists" which others can comment on:
This might give me idea of priorities for extensions of LUTEar.
(3) Discussion of development of LUTEar:
The development of LUTEar is an on-going process. The mailing list
provide a forum for discussion of any major changes which I am
considering. This would allow me to avoid introducing unpopular changes
in LUTEar.
(4) Encourage users to share extra routines they have written amongst
One of the very attractive features of LUTEar is that is provides a
platform for investigations, so that people can compare results obtained
with a "standard" piece of software. Extra routines written by
users can
be assessed, by other users as well as by myself, and subsequently
incorporated in the standard code.
(5) Reporting of successes and failures in attemping to apply LUTEar to various
problems :
This will give everyone feedback about the performance of LUTEar,
providing individuals wih further ideas on how they can use it, and
highlight as yet unresolved difficulties.
(6) The discussion of optimum parameter settings for various applications:
Hopefully when people report results obtained with LUTEar, they will be
quite specific about which routines and parameters they used.
(7) Exchange of scientific information amongst LUTEar users:
Users of LUTEar must have common scientific interests! So many of us
probably do already know each other and something about each
other's work.
Nevertheless, it would be good to know who "the others" are, and to
discuss specific problems we are trying to apply LUTear to.
I indebted to Angela Darling (angie at for providing
the major portion of the above text.
|Lowel P. O'Mard PhD. | /\ / \ Speech & Hearing |
|Dept. of Human Sciences, | /\/\ /\/ \/ /\ \ /\ Laboratory |
|University of Technology,|_/\/\/ /\ \/\/ /\ /\/ \ \/ /\/\_ /\___ |
|Loughborough, | \/\/ \/\/\/ \/ /\ \/\/ /\ / |
|Leics. LE11 3TU, U.K. | \ /\/\/\ /\/ \ /\/\/ \/ Director: |
|L.P.OMard at | \/ \/ \/ Prof. Ray Meddis |
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